Home » Homeopathic medicine & treatment for tonsillitis: types, causes, symptoms,

Homeopathic medicine & treatment for tonsillitis: types, causes, symptoms,

       Tonsils are pairs of oval-shaped nodes present on both sides, T and B lymphocytes behind the throat. our tonsils work to filter the infectious germs that cause diseases and also secret antibodies to kill the germs. But in some cases, they get affected by infectious viruses and bacteria that cause serious problems. Tonsillitis is one of the common infections, which causes the tonsils to swell. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicine and the treatment of tonsilitis.

Homeopathic medicine & treatment for tonsillitis
Homeopathic medicine & treatment for tonsillitis

Types of tonsillitis:

There are three main types of tonsillitis, according to the duration of the disease.

  • Acute tonsillitis
  • Recurrent tonsillitis
  • Chronic tonsillitis
    • Acute tonsillitis: This condition is not very long-lasting. Its duration is about 1 week to two weeks.
    • Recurrent tonsillitis: This condition occurs when a patient suffers from acute tonsillitis many times in a year. 
    • Chronic tonsillitis: This condition occurs when a patient suffers from persistent infection due to acute tonsillitis. Then the patient feels more chronic pain, feels bad breath, and swollen extends to the neck.

Causes of tonsillitis:

     The most common cause of tonsillitis is bacterial and viral infections or passed through the infectious person to others.

  • Bacterial infection: Almost 30 percent of tonsillitis is caused due to a group of bacteria that is known as Streptococcus. This bacteria, a condition occurs that is termed strep throat.
  • Viral infection: One of the most common causes of tonsillitis is viral infections. Like influenza, which is caused due to cold or flu. Many other viruses also infect the throat and cause tonsillitis such as Adenoviruses. Epstein-Barr virus, Parainfluenza Virus, Measles Virus, And Herpes Simplex Virus. 
  • Other diseases: Tonsillitis is also caused due to other diseases such as diabetes, HIV, etc. 
  • Other causes: Tonsillitis also transfers from one infectious person to another in different ways. Such as food, drink, kissing, inhaling contaminated air, etc This is also caused due to the abusive use of antibiotics. 

Symtoms of tonsillitis:

       Several symptoms occur during tonsillitis. It usually affects children as compared to adults, but it is also common in all ages.

  • Acute throat pain: The most common sign of tonsillitis is severe pain in the throat. This pain is due to swelling in the throat or eating anything. Sometimes this pain is more towards the neck and ears. This condition appears in almost all kinds of tonsillitis.
  • Swelling of the throat: Another major symptom is swelling of the throat. This swelling causes hindrances to food or drinking something. This swelling sometimes moves towards the ears.
  • Strep throat: Tonsile becomes white or grey.
  • Headache and some time abdominal pain in children
  • Fever and coldness
  • Snoring, pain in the ear, poor appetite

Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for tonsillitis:

  Homeopathic medicine and treatment for tonsillitis help naturally and recover the severe state of tonsillitis. Homeopathy provides a long-term cure as well as cures the allergic sensitivity of the patient. A question arises that why we prefer homeopathic medicines, these are because they have no side effects and are safe to use for any age group. 

Some best homeopathic medicine and treatments for tonsillitis are the following:

Belladonna and Calcarea Carb:(for the dry, congested red throat in tonsillitis)

      Belladonna is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for tonsillitis. It is used for the acute forms of tonsillitis. Belladonna is used when the tonsil is enlarged, dry and red throat feels constricted. Calcarea Carb is a medicine recommended for chronic tonsillitis. This is used when a patient gains weight feels physical exertion, and fever due to tonsillitis. Both medicines have anti-inflammatory action and help to cure a chronic form of tonsillitis.  

Phytolacca Decendra:(For pain in roots, and follicular form tonsillitis)

     Phytolacca Decendra is another highly recommended medicine to treat pain in the roots of the throat. It is used when tonsils become dark red and the pain of the throat expands to the ears. Throat feels narrow, and rough and shows burning pain while swallowing hot food and drinks.

Mercurius Solubilis:(For pain in the throat and congestion)

      Mercurius Solubis is recommended especially when congestion of tonsils occurs. Due to congestion in the throat, it feels pain and burning when eating anything and produces more saliva. And swelling of the throat extends to the mandibular area and neck and the patient feels fever. 

Kali muriaticum:(For acute and chronic tonsillitis)

       Kali muriaticum is recommended when the tonsile color changes to grey or white and is enlarged. These symptoms are also termed Kissing tonsile. This is a chronic condition of tonsillitis.

Hepar Sulph and Baryta Carb:(For inflamed, swollen throat and Lancinating pains)

       Hepar Sulphur is recommended when the throat becomes swallowed and shows a sensation of a plug and a splinter. And the patient suffers from fever and chillness and can’t bear cold air. Baryta Carb is also used when tonsile were swelled and feel acute pain. It also helps when the patient feels difficulty breathing in cold weather.

Streptococcinum:(For swollen and Strep Throat)

Streptococcinum is recommended for a condition called strep throat infection. Strep throat is caused by some bacteria called streptococcal, due to this infection throat feels severe pain and inflammation.

      Another common homeopathic medicine recommended for tonsillitis is the following:

  • Lachesis Muta and Merc Iodatus Ruber:( For treatment of Left-sided Tonsillitis)
  • Lycopodium Clavatum and Merc Iodatus Flavus: (For treatment of Right-sided Tonsillitis)
  • Arsenicum album:(For treatment of burning pain in the throat)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum and Ignatia:( For treatment of acute attack and pain while swallowing the food)
  • Psorinum and Tuberculinum:( To give immunity that prevents any Throat Infections)

Does Homeopathic medicine and treatment for tonsillitis have a permanent Treatment?

      Absolutely yes, Homeopathic medicine can completely and permanently treat tonsillitis. Now homeopathy is more advanced and used almost in all types of disease. Homeopathic medicine not only cures acute and chronic tonsillitis but also gives immunity to prevent its infection in the future.



    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce tonsillitis. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment. Tonsillitis is a serious disease. So, we should avoid getting tonsillitis by using different remedies. Such as washing hands properly, staying away from infectious people, drinking water, avoiding smoke, Getting proper rest, etc.

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