Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for alopecia: causes, symptoms of alopecia Areata
A common hair loss due to an autoimmune disorder is called alopecia. Alopecia areata is the most common hair loss disorder in the entire world and it does not affect a person’s health in any other way. This hair loss occurs at all ages and sexes equally in different conditions. In alopecia areata, hair loss occurs at different spots of the scalp. In different patients hair loss is in a few small bald patches. But in some conditions, it may be in extreme form. Alopecia sometimes affects just the head or in some cases, it affects the whole body. In this article, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicine and treatment for alopecia.
Types of Alopecia:
Alopecia areata affects a patient in different conditions. It has different types are following:
- Alopecia areata Universalis: Hair loss on the whole body
- Diffuse alopecia areata: Hair patches are formed due to hair thinning.
- Alopecia areata totalis: Hair lost on head
- Ophiasis alopecia areata: Band shape hair loss occurs from the back and side of the head.
Causes of Alopecia:
Hair growth and fall is a natural process but due to some reasons hair loss occurs but the process of regrowth is very slow or they stop growing again. Some major causes of Alopecia are the following:
Heredity (genetics):
One of the most common causes of Alopecia is family history. This condition occurs while aging. Due to the heredity factor, this condition is also known as Androgenic Alopecia. This condition occurs in men and women differently. In men, it may occur in bald patches and women’s hair becomes thinner on the scalp.
Alopecia is also caused due to the side effects of some medications or supplements. Some drugs that are used for other diseases like foe depression, cancer, heart diseases, blood pressure, etc also cause alopecia.
Imbalance of Hormones:
Hormonal imbalance is also another major cause of alopecia. Major conditions that cause alopecia due to hormonal imbalance are childbirth, thyroid problems, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Unbalancing of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in males and testosterone and estrogen in females are also causing Androgenic Alopecia.
Hair treatments:
A type of alopecia that is known as traction alopecia caused due to too much hairstyling like ponytails, pulling hair tight, excessive hair color, etc. Some hair treatment also causes alopecia permanently or temporarily.
Poor Nutrition:
According to different researchers, deficiencies in different nutrients, such as vitamin D or low iron, also cause alopecia.
Other diseases:
Many other diseases such as hay fever, asthma, thyroid disease, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, Down syndrome, vitiligo, etc also cause alopecia.
Radiation therapy or cancer treatment:
For cancer treatment, doctors may use a medicine known as nivolumab which also causes alopecia. This is used for the treatment of lung cancer.
Psychological factors:
Alopecia is also caused due to some psychological factors such as emotional shock, physical trauma, restrictive dieting, life changes, etc. This generally causes thinning of hair temporarily.
Symptoms of Alopecia:
If anyone experienced hair loss more than usual, it may be a sign of alopecia. Some common symptoms of alopecia are the following:
Excess Hair loss during Brushing:
According to different researchers, A normal weight of hair falls is 50 to 100 hair a day. But if anyone experiences more than that range it must be alopecia. During brushing hair or bathing if noticed an excessive amount of hair then you must go and get treatment for it. If alopecia is cured at the early stages, it may avoid complete baldness.
Small bald patches:
Sometimes It may be noticed that small bald patches would appear one by one. And sometimes it feels like burning or stung due to hair loss. Or some other symptoms are tenderness, blistering, and itching at the spot of hair loss.
Hair thinning:
Alopecia symptoms are different in men and women. In men, the early stages are small bald patches and in women, hair becomes thinner.
White Spots on Nails:
Other common symptoms are white patches or small craters on nails. This symptom is also related to many other diseases that way it’s important to consult with your doctor.
Other common symptoms:
Some other common symptoms are Acne, facial hair, weight gain, intolerance to cold temperatures, muscle weakness, fatigue, and Bald spots on eyebrows or beard.
Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for alopecia
Homeopathic medicine and treatment can increase our immune system’s effectiveness in alopecia areata. Homeopathy naturally cures alopecia areata without any side effects. Homeopathic medicine and treatment of alopecia areata are the following:
Phosphorus: (Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for alopecia)
One of the best homeopathic medicine and treatment for Alopecia is Phosphorus. It is most helpful for hair loss marks on different points. It is also useful for dandruff or itching. But using phosphorus a patient also craves ice cream and cold drinks.
Fluoric Acid:
Fluoric Acid is another most recommended homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata. It is useful in Fluoric Acid helps in the hair regrowth in the bald area. It is highly prescribed for hair loss after severe fever or syphilis.
Arsenic Album:
Arsenic Album is used for burning and itching on the scalp. These symptoms are more prominent at night. This is also used for sensitive scalp.
Vinca Minor:
Vinca Minor is also the most recommended medicine for alopecia areata. It is useful when hair loss occurs from certain points and hairs become white. Other symptoms that occur are scratching, and itching on the scalp.
Baryta Carb, Lycopodium, and Silicea:
Baryta Carb, Lycopodium, and Silicea are recommended for young people who suffer from alopecia areata. It helps to recover baldness. They help to regrowth of hair on the scalp.
Graphites are recommended for those patients who suffer from hair loss due to moist eruptions on the scalp. This is used usually in infants. This is the best homeopathic medicine for hair loss from the entire scalp.
Sepia is recommended when hair loss occurs during and after childbirth. This is the best remedy for those women who suffer from alopecia after marriage.
Natrum Muriaticum:
Natrum muriaticum is recommended for that patient who has alopecia due to anemia. This is especially for women who also suffer from anemia that causes alopecia.
Lycopodium is recommended for early baldness or graying of hair. It helps to stop hair loss that frequently occurs at early ages.
Nitricum Acidum:
Nitricum Acidum is especially recommended for sensitive scalp. It is used for alopecia on the vertex.
Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce alopecia. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.