homeopathy in pakistan

Best homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease, causes, symptoms

      A common infection in women that may affect the reproductive organs is known as Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The reproductive organs help a woman to get pregnant. This infection is spread through bacteria in the vagina to the ovaries and uterus. Some women may also experience sudden vaginal discharge and intense bearing […]

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Best homeopathic medicines for fatty liver, causes and symptoms

      A fatty liver is a condition in which the liver accumulates too much fat. This condition may also be called hepatic steatosis. The condition can result from excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and other factors. If left untreated, a fatty liver can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis. However, there are many ways

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Best homeopathic medicines for Benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH), symptoms, causes

       Benign prostatic hyperplasia is abbreviated as BPH. This is a non-cancerous disease that causes enlargement of the prostate gland. This is also known as benign prostatic obstruction. The growth of the prostate occurs in two phases. The first phase is during puberty and the second phase is at the age of 25. This

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Best homeopathic medicines for Ankylosing spondylitis, causes, symptoms

      An inflammatory disease of bones that may lead to the fusing of the spinal (vertebra) bones is known as ankylosing spondylitis. This may affect you while walking and breathing and make your spine less flexible. This disease is more common in men as compared to women. This may also lead to inflammation

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Best homeopathic medicines for premature gray hair, symptoms, causes

        Premature graying of hair (PGH) is defined as graying of hair before the age of 20 and 30 years in the American population. Healthy hair is a symbol of good health and youth. Unlike other animals, the function of hair in human beings is being debated. Nevertheless, hair serves as a

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Best homeopathic medicines for ruptured eardrum, causes, symptoms

       A condition in which a small hole or tear is formed in the eardrum or ear canal is known as a ruptured eardrum. This condition may also be called a perforated eardrum. It may be causes loss of hearing. This may also affect the middle ear. This is not a dangerous condition

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Best homeopathic medicines for diabetes, types, causes, symptoms

        Diabetes also called diabetes Mellitus is a common chronic disease. This is usually related to our metabolic system. It may lead to high blood sugar or glucose which affects the energy levels of our body. In our blood, a hormone present that is known as insulin helps to regulate sugar levels

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Best homeopathic medicines for varicose veins, causes, symptoms

       The varicose vein is a condition that is related to enlargement and twisting of veins. These veins are also known as superficial because present near to our skin. This condition commonly occurs in the veins of the legs. This is because due to walking our body put pressure on the legs that

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Best homeopathic medicines for Muscular dystrophy, causes, symptoms

Muscular dystrophy or muscular weakness is a disease that refers to the loss of muscular mass. This is a common disease that is especially related to genetics and hormones. Muscles help us to walk and do our daily routine. With time and due to some genetic and hormonal disorder muscles becomes weak and may lead

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Best homeopathic medicines for Psoriatic arthritis, types, causes, symptoms

       A common disease in which someone noticed red patches on this is known as psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis is also a type of form of arthritis that occurs due to psoriasis. In this disease mostly joint problems start first. then red patches appear on the skin that may lead to psoriatic arthritis. In

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Best homeopathic medicines for acne, types, causes, symptoms

       A common skin condition that occurs when follicles in our skin are plugged with dead cells and oily secretions. These are known as acne, pimples, or maybe blackheads and whiteheads. Acne is usually small holes or pores that are filled with oily secretions, dead cells, or bacteria. This is a common skin

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Best homeopathic medicines for Seborrheic Dermatitis, causes, symptoms

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition, which is not contagious and is easy to control. This type of dermatitis causes itching, redness, and scales on your skin as well as white or yellow scales or scales on your scalp. The word “sebum” refers to “sebaceous glands” while “dermis” refers to “skin.” It is called

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Best homeopathic medicines for snoring, causes, symptoms

     During sleeping, a noisy voice appears while breathing known as snoring. This is a common situation that occurs in anyone. It mostly affects people with obesity and it worsens with the passage of age. This condition doesn’t very harmful. But if someone has a long-term snorer, it may lead to serious health issues.

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Best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele, types, symptoms, causes

Hydrocele is a condition when the scrotum became swelling due to fluid that collects in the testicle’s thin sheath. This is also caused by inflammation and any injury to the scrotum. This is not a dangerous condition and maybe disappear with the passage of age. But if this is not controlled then it’s better to

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Best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection, causes, symptoms

      H. pylori or (Helicobacter pylori) is a common infection caused by bacteria. It mostly affects the digestive tract or stomach. If this infection remains untreated, it may lead to ulcers. It may also cause stomach cancer. According to different researches, H. pylori affected two-thirds of the population of the world. is common.

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for depression, causes, symptoms

        Depression is a common disorder of mood worldwide. This is a serious mental disorder that affects the thinking ability of a person. Depression induces negative thoughts in a person. This may cause feelings of sadness, weeping, and loneliness. A person with depression avoids talking and sitting with people and even thoughts

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for migraine, causes, symptoms

Sometimes a strong pain sensation feels from one side of the head. This one-sided violent pain is known as migraine. This may feel either one side of the head and causes vomiting, blurred or dim vision. This condition is worse in light and noise. In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines and

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for sciatica, causes, symptoms

A sciatic nerve, which is present in the gluteal area becomes inflamed and causes intense pain due to pressure or stress. This condition is known as sciatica. This is composed of five nerve roots that’s why it is one of the longest nerves in our body. These nerves are spread in the area of the

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments, causes, symptoms of Keloids

Keloids are thick and raised scars that are formed on different parts of the body. Keloids are formed on the sites of a wound or injury. These are specially formed at the chest, shoulder, earlobes, cheeks, or face. These keloids are not dangerous to the health but physically and emotionally they cause stress. Keloid’s scars

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments, causes, symptoms of Low testosterone

       Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is developed in humans, especially in males. It maintains different functions such as sexual desire, bone and muscle mass, male hair production, and different features of a male body. These are developed in the testes, adrenal cortex, or even in the ovaries. Testosterone level decreases with

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Best homeopathic medicines, and treatments, causes, symptoms of Tinnitus

      Tinnitus is an ear disorder in this state our ear listens to those sounds that do not exist. These sounds are different in pitch, intensity, and volume. These sounds include buzzing, whistling, ringing, hissing, roaring, etc. It may affect one ear or maybe both ears. In our inner ear, small hairs are

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for Jaundice- types, causes, symptoms

Jaundice is a common disease that is also known as Icterus. This is caused when blood has a high level of bilirubin. Bilirubin is made when red blood cells breakdown occurs. This is a yellow pigment and it passes through the liver to outside the body. Jaundice has especially affected the liver due to bilirubin.

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Fistula: types, causes, symptoms, homeopathic medicines, and treatment

      A fistula is referred to as an abnormal link between two parts of the body or surfaces. It includes abnormal links between blood vessels, organs, or tracts. These abnormal links are occurred due to surgery, or injury, and sometimes maybe the natural way. The fistula is mostly grown around the anus. Fistula

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Best homeopathic medicines and treatment for Urticaria (Hives): Types, causes, symptoms

       Urticaria is a skin infection that appears due to some allergic and physical reactions. It includes itching welts, eruption, and burning sensation. Urticaria is also known as Hives. It mostly started from a small area of the body to a large area. Urticarial symptoms become chronic if they are not treated at

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