Best homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease, causes, symptoms
A common infection in women that may affect the reproductive organs is known as Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The reproductive organs help a woman to get pregnant. This infection is spread through bacteria in the vagina to the ovaries and uterus. Some women may also experience sudden vaginal discharge and intense bearing pain in the lower abdomen. If this disease becomes untreated then it may also lead to infertility. Because this disease is related to follicle tube that becomes narrow due to symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease and may lead to infertility. This disease is treated by using different treatments and antibiotics. But the best way to treat pelvic inflammatory syndrome is the homeopathic remedies. In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Causes of Pelvic inflammatory disease:
There are a number of causes that may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. One of the main causes of pelvic inflammatory disease is certain types of infected bacteria such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc. This is basically a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But in some cases, it is also noticed without sexually transmitted infection (STI). Another common cause is less protected sex. These usually enter the body through the vaginal area. Due to damage to of cervical area, these bacteria enter the reproductive organ such as follicle tube, ovaries, and uterus. The cervical area is damage due to periods, abortion, intercourse, and childbirth. These bacteria also enter the body through other urinary treatments such as through intrauterine devices (IUD).
- If any women become sexually active at a younger age (Less than 25 years old)
- A person who has a sexual relationship with more than one person
- Sexual intercourse with unprotected sex
- A person who has past history of having a pelvic inflammatory disease or through sexually transmitted infection(STI)
Symptoms of Pelvic inflammatory disease:
The symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease are not very prominent. In some cases, a person may experience some symptoms. But it may be a dangerous disease if not treated well. It is more dangerous when it spread in the blood. If someone experiences the following symptoms then women may have pelvic inflammatory disease.
- One of the common symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease is intense and bearing pain in the lower abdominal area.
- Difficulty and pain during intercourse and pain and burning sensation in the uterus and pelvic area.
- A woman may also experience Frequent discharges from the vagina that is green-yellow or prurient in color
- Another symptom is a person having chronic pelvic pain. This pain is because by scarring of the pelvis due to intercourse, abortion, and other reasons.
- Difficulty while urination
- Tiredness and intense bleeding
- Some other symptoms are vomiting, fever, fainting, intense pain in the upper abdominal area, or maybe stomach pain.
Pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms are not very obvious. So if someone experiences any of that symptoms, They must go to the doctor. Some following tests such as Pelvic ultrasound, Laparoscopy, and Endometrial biopsy.
Best homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease
Homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Homeopathic remedies for Pelvic inflammatory disease are the best solution to give the best results. These are also natural and safe. Some best homeopathic medicines for Pelvic inflammatory disease are Sepia Succus, Phosphorus, Medorrhinum, Merc Sol, Sabina Officinalis, and Kreosotum.
Sepia Succus:
Sepia Succus is one of the best homeopathic medicine to treat pelvic inflammatory disease. This is helpful to treat intense pain in the area of the lower abdomen and pelvis. This may also lead to bearing sensation lower the abdomen. In this condition, a yellowish discharge occurs from the vaginal area that is very offensive.
Phosphorus is prescribed to treat pelvic inflammatory disease with intense bleeding from the uterus. This bleeding may occur between two periods. Because of intense bleeding a person may feel very weak physically and mentally. This is also recommended to treat intense pain in the ovaries and uterus. This may sometime lead to an intense burning sensation in the uterus. Other symptoms related to this medicine are the leucorrhoea and stinging during periods.
Medorrhinum is also helpful to treat pelvic inflammatory disease during offensive periods. This is helpful when a woman suffers from intense pain during periods due to Pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition may also lead to a burning sensation with pain in the pelvic area as well as the ovarian area. Other symptoms related to this medicine are acrid and offensive vaginal discharge with scanty odor.
Merc Sol:
Merc Sol is also helpdul homeopathic medicine to treat pelvic informatory disease. This is helpful to treat vaginal discharge due to pelvic inflammatory diseases. Other symptoms related to this medicine are the burning sensation with the itchy and acrid discharge through the vagina. This discharge is different in color it may be green, yellow, or pluralist. This is also useful to treat intense pain in the uterus.
Sabina Officinalis:
Sabina Officinalis is also helpful to treat pelvic inflammatory disease during periods. This is helpful to treat profuse periods with pelvic infimmatory disease. Other symptoms related to this medicine are the intense bleeding during menses with dark clots. This condition may lead to scanty and offensive periods. This may also cause intense pain in the pubes and lower abdominal area. This pain becomes worse while moving. This is also recommended when women suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease during abortion and childbirth.
Kreosotum is also helpful to treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with intense pain in the uterus. This is mostly helpful to treat pain during intercourse due to Pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition is also known as dyspareunia. Other symptoms related to this medicine are the burning sensation in the genitalia region due to PID. This is also useful when bleeding occurs after intercourse due to pelvic inflammatory disease. This may also lead to intense itchy and offensive leucorrhoea. This condition is more worsens between the periods.
Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce Pelvic inflammatory disease. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.