Allergy is termed as a condition of harmful reaction that affects the immune system. This is caused due to specific foreign particles like dust, pollens, certain types of food, environmental changes, etc. Different people experience different kinds of Allergies. Our immune system fight against the harmful substances that try to invade our body. It produces antibodies that detect the invasion of harmful substances and cause allergies. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for allergies.
Causes of allergy:
   Allergic reactions mostly occur due to breathing or in the nasal area. There are a number of allergic causes that are different in different people. Some causes of allergic reactions are even dangerous for life. Some common causes of allergies are the following:
- family history: This is a common cause of allergies. Some types of allergies run from generation to generation. As compared to adults, children are more likely to experience allergies. Another major cause is asthma and hives that runs in family.
- Food allergy: Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food such as wheat, fish, milk, eggs, etc. Especially most people are allergic to tree nuts, and peanuts.
- Air or dust allergens: The most common cause of allergy is dust particles or allergens like an insect sting, pollens, mold, etc. An unhealthy environment also may lead to different types of allergies.
- Certain medications: Some people are allergic due to certain medications such as antibodies, penicillin, etc. Sometimes touch with different latex substances may lead to allergy.
Symptoms of allergy:
  Symptom of allergy appears according to its type. There are a number of common allergic symptoms. These allergic reactions are harmless or sometimes really harmful. Some common symptoms of allergies are the following:
- Symptoms of food allergy: Some common symptoms related to food allergies are hives, swelling of the throat and face, bitter taste in the mouth, anaphylaxis, etc. This may also lead to vomiting and nausea.
- Symptoms of insect sting allergies: Its common symptoms are itching due to the sting of the insect, edema, coughing, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, etc.
- Symptoms of drug allergies: These symptoms include dry and itchy skin, rash, hives, anaphylaxis, swelling of the face, wheezing, etc.Â
- Anaphylaxis: This is a reaction that occurs due to food, and insect allergies. This symptom is dangerous for life. Other symptoms of anaphylaxis are going in shock, are low blood pressure, unconsciousness, difficulty in breathing, etc.
- Hay fever: This is a common symptom of allergy that is known as Rhinitis allergy. Other symptoms of Rhinitis allergy are sneezing, swelling of the eyes, itching in the eyes and nose, and conjunctivitis.
Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for Allergies
   Homeopathic medicines and treatments for allergies are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicine for allergies are the following:
Apis Mellifica:(Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for Allergies)
    Apis Mellifica is one of the best homeopathic medicine for allergies with urticarial rash and hives. This is the best medicine for allergies with burning sensation and itching. This patient becomes skin sensitive and even a touch may lead to swelling and rash. This allergy may be better while cold and open air.
Natrum Mur:
    Natrum Mur is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat different kinds of skin allergies. This is equally helpful to treat nasal allergies such as sneezing, breathing difficulty, running nose, etc. This condition may lead to intense itching and burning sensation. These symptoms become worse in a warm environment but feel relief in cold air.
Arsenic Album:
   Arsenic Album is prescribed to treat allergy-related to the nose. This is helpful for runny nose, sneezing, and discharge with a burning sensation. This is also used for allergic effects on the eyes.
   Sulfur is also the best remedy to treat allergy-related skin. This is recommended when a person feels itching and burning sensations on the skin. This allergy may lead to dryness of the skin and suffering from intense scratching. This homeopathic medicine causes a craving for sweets, food, and an aversion to bathing.
Allium Cepa and Arundo Mauriare:
   Allium Cepa and Arundo Mauriare are both recommended to treat nasal allergies. These are helpful for sneezing, running nose, and burning sensation in the eyes and nose. These symptoms are worse in the warm environment and feel relief in the cold. Arundo Mauriare is recommended to treat intense sneezing, and itching in the eyes and nose.
Kali Bichromicum and Gelsemium:
  Kali Bichromicum and Gelsemium are both recommended to treat nasal allergy with a throat infection. This is also helpful in nasal discharge, sneezing, and running the nose. This is also used for fever and headaches due to nasal allergies.
Ipecac and Bryonia Alba:
  Ipecac and Bryonia Alba are both prescribed to treat intense coughing and chest infection due to allergies. This is also helpful for vomiting while coughing. Bryonia Alba is recommended for dry coughing that causes chest pain and breathing difficulty. This is helpful in nasal blockage
and suffocation.
Aethusa Cynapium, Pulsatilla, and Natrum Carbtop:
  Aethusa Cynapium, Pulsatilla, and Natrum Carbtop are recommended to treat allergies due to drinking milk. Pulsatilla is used when a patient may suffer from nausea, gas, vomiting, and acidity, due to milk products. Aethusa Cynapium is used when a person feels sweating and vomiting after drinking milk. Natrum Carb is used when a patient suffers from loose stool and thirst after drinking milk.
Carbo Veg:
  Carbo Veg is recommended to treat allergies due to eggs. Other symptoms related to this medicine are gastric problems, vomiting, nausea, and hard stool. This is also helpful in abdominal pain, and itching after eating eggs.Â
Urtica Genesis:
   Urtica Urensis was prescribed for allergy due to fish shells. This is also helpful when a patient suffers from intense itching, hives, and burning sensation after eating shellfish.
Lycopersicum and Bromium:
   Lycopersicum and Bromium are both helpful in difficulty in breathing due to allergy. This is also recommended for runny noses and sneezing. Bromium also helps in intensive cough with mucus discharge.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce allergies. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.