Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Atopic dermatitis, causes, symptoms
Atopic Dermatitis is chronic, a non-contagious skin disease that causes inflammation or itching of the skin. This is also known as eczema. This skin condition is also known as Endogenous Eczema. Atopic Dermatitis has also affected infants, this condition in infants is known as Infantile Eczema. Its symptoms usually start in childhood and continue to adulthood. Homeopathic treatments for Atopic Dermatitis are the best natural way to decrease the symptoms day by day. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicine and treatment for Atopic dermatitis.
Causes of Atopic dermatitis:
Atopic dermatitis is caused due to several reasons. Some common causes of Atopic dermatitis are the following:
- Immune system: Our immune system fights against germs, allergies, or other irritants. But if the immune system does cost act normally and does not produce resistance to these small irritants or allergens. This condition causes itching and inflammation of the skin known as Atopic dermatitis.
- Family history: Family history or genetics also causes. If someone in your family has hay fever, asthma or allergens then you have a higher risk to get this disease. Allergens include pet hair, foods, pollens, etc that causes allergies. These allergies cause itching which leads to inflammation of the skin.
- Environmental factor: Several environmental factors lead to Atopic dermatitis. It may include air pollutants, smoke, some fabric like wool, and skin products. Dry air causes our skin to dry and becomes inflamed and itchy. On the other side heat and humidity causes itching.
- Psychological factors: Some psychological factors such as stress, and mental and emotional disorders may lead to Atopic dermatitis.Other psychological factors depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, constant worry, short temper, irritability, and difficulty with concentration.
Symptoms of Atopic dermatitis:
Our skin helps keep our body moisture and protects us from irritants, allergens, and bacteria. Atopic dermatitis symptoms differ according to age. This condition may occur in almost all ages equally. Some common symptoms are the following:
Itchy skin: One of the most common symptoms of Atopic dermatitis in all ages is itchy skin. Atopic dermatitis causes itching and developed on any part of the body. But in different patients, its symptoms are noticed differently according to age factor.
Symptoms in infants: In infants, a rash appears on the skin, especially on the cheeks and face. Their skin becomes scaly, raw, and dry. Atopic dermatitis causes itching that way babies sometimes feel discomfort and difficulty sleeping.
Symptoms in children: At the age of 6 children has atopic dermatitis mostly on their feet and elbow. Their skin becomes scaly, itchy, and rash as a result patches are formed. At the age of 7, some children complain about thickened skin on the back of their knees.
Discolored and swollen skin: Another symptom of Atopic dermatitis
is discolored and swollen skin after itching or rash. This itching or rash causes red patches.
Scaly and patchy skin: This symptom especially occurs at the age of 30. In this symptom, skin becomes scaly, darker and patches appear.
Other Skin infections: Other symptoms of Atopic dermatitis are skin infections such as small, pus-filled bumps, yellow crust, etc. Some patients with Atopic dermatitis are numerous and deep lines in their palms that become red. Due to Atopic dermatitis, continuous scratching occurs that may lead to irritated skin and bleeding.
Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Atopic dermatitis
Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Atopic dermatitis is the best natural way without any side effects. These medicines can help to control the acuteness of disease according to symptoms. Homeopathic medicine helps to increase the immunity of patients. These medicines take time to cure Atopic Dermatitis according to the severity of the disease. Some common homeopathic medicine for Atopic dermatitis are the following:
Sulfur is one of the best homeopathic medicine for the treatment of Atopic Dermatitis. This is also used for intolerable itching and dry skin with scales. This itching also causes pain and a burning sensation. Other symptoms that required this medicine are a heating sensation, a craving for sweets, etc.
Rhus Tox:
Rhus Tox is recommended for Atopic Dermatitis with redness of the skin and asthmatic issues. This is required for excessive itching and eruptions on the skin. This is also used for burning sensation after itching and scaling of the skin. Rhus Tox is also helpful for flare-ups of dermatitis in the rainy or wet season.
Graphite is also the best homeopathic medicine for Atopic dermatitis. This is also helpful in folds of skin appearing at the knee bend, the area behind the ear, elbow bends, groin, and neck. This folding of skin is known as Flexural Eczema. This folding causes itching and eruptions with discharges. Graphites are used for glue-like sticky discharges.
Mezereum is mostly recommended for Atopic Dermatitis when the scalp starts bleeding and oozing eruptions. This is also indicated for thick scab formation on the scalp. And scalp starts to discharge vermin breeding and pus. In these symptoms continuous itching, and burning sensation occurs.
Natrum Mur:
Natrum Mur is recommended for Atopic Dermatitis with an eruption margin of the scalp. These eruptions are dry along the hairlines of the scalp. This also causes crusting along the hairline. These symptoms also show a craving for salt.
Lycopodium is recommended for Atopic dermatitis with hard, indurated, and cracked skin. This cracked skin also causes bleeding. Lycopodium is also used for gastric problems.
Petroleum and Pix Liquida:
Petroleum and Pix Liquida are recommended for Atopic dermatitis with thickened, crusty, dried-up skin that turns green color. These symptoms caused itching and burning sensation. This condition becomes worse and causes bleeding. Pix Liquida is indicated for hands with deep cracks and bleeding.
Galphimia Glauca and Histaminum:
Galphimia Glauca and Histaminum are very effective to cure Atopic Dermatitis with allergic rhinitis and hay fever and asthma. These are mostly recommended for allergic factors that are associated with the skin.
Sepia is mostly recommended for Atopic dermatitis with the eruption in bends of knees and elbows. Natrum Mur is also indicated for Atopic dermatitis but sepia is used when in worse conditions in a cold environment.
Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce atopic dermatitis. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.