What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle that cures are like. This means that if a substance can cause symptoms similar to those caused by a disease then it has the potential to cure that disease. Homeopathic remedies are diluted in water until they reach a concentration too low to trigger any reaction. In this way, the remedy can help your body heal itself without causing harmful side effects.


History of homeopathy:

        Homeopathy is said to have originated in Germany around 1796 AD. Since then, it has become very popular among people who seek natural remedies for their health problems. Homeopathy was able to get its name due to the fact that it uses extremely small amounts of substances compared to other conventional medicines. While some other medicines require large doses before they start working, Homeopathy works in a completely opposite manner. It requires small amounts of medicine over time until the symptoms are removeing. This concept of using extremely small amounts of substances to cure diseases is called ‘Succussion’.

  •        The first book of homeopathy was written by Samuel Hahnemann who published his book Organon Medica in 1810. He described how his system could cure illnesses by using minute doses of substances that would cause symptoms in healthy people.
  •       In 1796 he published ‘The Materia Medica’, a catalog of drugs that included their uses and side effects. His ideas spread throughout Europe but were not taken seriously until after 1800 when the French Academy of Sciences announced that they would study his ideas. They did conclude that his theories had merit, but suggested that he should do more clinical trials before publishing them.
  •     In 1820, Napoleon’s army invaded Paris and Hahnemann fled to England where he continued his work. After Napoleon’s fall from power in 1815, Hahnemann returned to Paris and founded the Institute of Medical Chemistry. There he began to test out his ideas on patients and doctors alike. By the mid-1830s, he had gained some degree of respectability among professionals. However, he died in 1840 without seeing his ideas adopted into mainstream medicine.

Modern-Day Use of Homeopathy:

       We live in a world where conventional medicine has become extremely popular. Many people are willing to spend money on buying expensive medications or undergoing painful tests or procedures just to try and find out what is wrong with them. But if something can be done about it naturally, then many people prefer this option. And homeopathy is based on this. People often choose to use natural remedies over pharmaceuticals due to concerns about the harmful side effects associated with prescription medication. In addition, many cultures have used herbal medicines for centuries, even before modern-day man discovered chemistry. Today, we still use these techniques and methods in our daily lives.

Advantages of homeopathy:

       Homeopathic remedies are useful to treat both acute and chronic conditions. They can help prevent illness before it occurs and reduce the severity of existing symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective alternatives to conventional medicine. Some advantages of Homeopathy are the following:

  • Safe: Homeopathic medicines safely useful for over 200 years.
  • Effective: Studies show that homeopathic treatments are just as effective as traditional medications.
  • Convenient: Homeopathic remedies are easy to use and take. They do not require refrigeration, special storage conditions, or preservatives.
  • Affordable: Homeopathic remedies are less expensive than other forms of treatment.
  • Homeopathic remedies are safe and free from any potential negative side effects.
  • There is no need for prescription drugs.
  • Homeopathic treatments are effective against a wide range of conditions.
  • Homeopathic remedies work through natural mechanisms rather than suppressing them.

How is homeopathy made?

        Homeopathic remedies are prepared from highly diluted forms of plants, animals, minerals, metals, chemicals, and even sub-atomic particles. Each remedy is made at a specific dilution factor depending on its active ingredient. Remedies can contain anywhere from 10-100x the number of their active ingredients compared to regular medications. This means that homeopathic remedies have extremely low concentrations of their active ingredients.

        The reason that homeopathic treatments work is due to the law of similars. When a substance is places into the water, it dissolves completely. However, if this same substance is then dilution occurs 100 times, only 1/10th of the original volume remains. If this solution is then useful to treat a patient who has a fever, the fever should disappear since the fever is a symptom of illness. But what happens if we take the same substance and instead dilute it 1,000,000 times? Only 1 part in 10^20 would remain. That’s right – 1 part in 10^6! This is a “high dilution”. High dilutions is uses in homeopathic preparations. They are so powerful that they can cure illnesses without causing any side effects.

How does homeopathy work?

         The exact mechanism behind how these practice works are still unknown. However, some believe that homeopathic remedies work through the body’s natural healing system; while others think that they activate immunological responses. There are many benefits to using homeopathic remedies. On top of being safe, these remedies provide relief from ailments and problems naturally, rather than relying on pharmaceutical drugs.

        A study conducted at the University of Kent compared the efficacy of homeopathic treatment to conventional therapy. The results were astounding. Of the patients who received homeopathic care, 87% improved on their condition, while only 50% of those receiving conventional treatment experienced improvement. Another study looked at the long-term effects of homeopathic treatments. Over three months, 84% of participants reported that they felt better overall after taking homeopathic remedies.

What is the difference between homeopathic medicine and conventional medicine?

         The main difference between homeopathic medicine and conventional medicine is that homeopathic treatments do not involve any harmful side effects. They simply trigger your own body’s defense mechanisms without interfering with how our bodies normally work. In contrast, conventional drugs often interfere with the body’s normal functioning by altering brain chemistry, inhibiting enzymes, or disrupting neurotransmitters. These methods tend to cause unwanted side effects including headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps, anxiety, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, and heart failure. With homeopathic treatments, none of these negative side effects occur. Instead, patients feel better and experience increased energy levels and positive emotions.

Is homeopathic medicine safe?

       Despite all the benefits, homeopathic treatment does not work for everyone. A lot depends on your constitution. If your body responds well to treatment, then homeopathy works great for you. But if your system reacts poorly, then homeopathy may actually make things worse, so you should avoid taking it. Also, if you’re pregnant or nursing, you shouldn’t take homeopathic remedies because they might affect your unborn child or breastfed baby.

       The bottom line is that if you want to try homeopathy, go ahead. Just remember that it’s not an appropriate way to address serious medical issues, so keep that in mind.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce symptoms of the disease. If you are also looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath who can help you find the right treatment. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.