Bones play a major role to build our body’s skeleton. These are continuously formed and deformed. Osteoporosis is a disease of bones in which bones are brittle, soft, and weak. These bones become weak and fractured even with small stress, coughing, and bending. This may affect all races of males and females, especially Asian and white females in old age. This is mostly affected the bones of the spine, wrist, and hips. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for osteoporosis.

Causes of Osteoporosis:
Bones in our body are continuously made and broken according to age. When you are getting older the bone mass is decrease faster as compared to young age. That’s why osteoporosis especially occurs in old ages. Other common causes of osteoporosis are the following:
- Some Unchangeable causes: Some factors such as age factor, gender, and heredity is related to osteoporosis as unchangeable causes. As compared to men, women have more chances to get osteoporosis. Another important factor is age. Older peoples have more chances to get osteoporosis. Heretidy is the same case, osteoporosis is run from generation to generation.
- Hormonal imbalance: Another major cause of Osteoporosis is the hormonal imbalance of certain hormones. These hormones include sex hormones such as estrogen in women and testosterone in men. When the level of these hormones decreases it may cause damage to bones that may lead to osteoporosis. Other hormones such as thyroid hormone also cause osteoporosis.
Unhealthy diet
- Osteoporosis is also caused due to an unhealthy diet and the use of fewer amount of nutrients. Calcium helps our bones to regenerate after the breakdown. If intake of calcium is lower as compared to required, then it may lead to bone fracture. Another factor is obesity or being overweight due to the high intake of food. On the other side, less intake of food also weakened the bones and causes Osteoporosis.
- Some medications: Some medications also cause osteoporosis. Corticosteroid medicines such as cortisone, and prednisone may lead to bone damage and cause osteoporosis. Some other medications that are used for cancer, gastric reflux, and transplant rejection also may lead to osteoporosis.
- Daily routine or Lifestyle: Our daily routine and our habits have a great impact on our health. Osteoporosis is caused due to high consumption of alcohol, less exercise, or more weight-bearing exercise. Some people that used tobacco also have a risk to get osteoporosis. These may lead to weakened bones and causes osteoporosis.
symptoms of Osteoporosis:
Several symptoms appear due to osteoporosis. Some common early symptoms of osteoporosis are the following:
- Fingernails become brittle and weak: Heath of bones is mostly associated with nails. Due to some factors such as nail polish, hot and cold temperatures make nails weak and brittle. This is an indication of early osteoporosis.
- Grip strength becomes weakened: According to different researches, one of the common symptoms of osteoporosis is weakened grip strength. this condition is especially present in women.
- Receding and pain in gums: Sometimes we feel pain in our jaws and bones. This is due to the receding of gums due to osteoporosis.
Some late symptoms of osteoporosis are the following:
- Neck and back pain: One of the common late symptoms of osteoporosis is a pain in the neck and back due to spinal fractures. This pain is because of collapsed vertebrae of the spinal cord.
- Bone fracture: This is also a common symptom of osteoporosis. This fracture is due to the weakness of the bones. These fractures are sometimes caused just by coughing or sneezing.
- Shorten of height: Sometimes a spinal fracture can cause compression and shorten height. This is one of the common and most usual symptoms.

Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for Osteoporosis
Homeopathic medicines and treatments for osteoporosis patients are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. These medicines are recommended according to the patient’s symptoms. Some common homeopathic medicines are Symphytum officinale, Hypericum perforatum, Silicea, Calcarea phosphorica, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Calcarea fluorica, etc.
Symphytum officinale:
Symphytum officinale is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for osteoporosis patients. This medicine is also called ‘knit bone’ because it acts as the knitting of the bone fracture. This also helps in callous production in bones. It is also helpful in the treatment of fractures and their surroundings that causes pricking pain.
Ruta Graveolens:
Ruta Graveolens is indicated for osteoporosis patients because of fractures. When a fracture occurs, it also damaged the ligaments, and tendons of bones. This is helpful to treat the fracture and its surroundings pain, stiffness of ligaments, and tendons.
Hypericum perforatum:
Hypericum perforatum is highly prescribed for osteoporosis patients with intense pain in the back. This symptom is due to vertebral bone damage and nerve crushing. This also causes pain that becomes worse during moving arms and neck.
Silicea is recommended for osteoporosis patients due to less absorption of calcium, or any fracture. It is used to increase assimilation of the digestive process. This is also indicated for the treatment of bone splinters and bone breakage.
Calcarea phosphorica:
Calcarea phosphorica is also an effective homeopathic remedy for osteoporosis patients with bone and spinal curvature and anemia. This is also helpful when bones and spines become soft and weak. This also causes pain and this condition is worse in cold.
Sulfur is indicated for osteoporosis patients who suffer from spinal curvature during walking, sitting, or resting. This is the most effective homeopathic medicine for spinal curvature. This is also helpful when the symptoms of a burning sensation on the soles of the foot and body occur.
Phosphorus is prescribed for osteoporosis patients with spinal curvature and heat sensation in the spine appear. This is also helpful when the spine becomes weak and causes pain.
Calcarea fluorica:
Calcarea fluorica is recommended for osteoporosis with pain. It is indicated when a patient complains of back pain. This condition is worse while resting or lying and better while moving. This pain especially occurs at night time.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce osteoporosis. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.