Home » Best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection, causes, symptoms

Best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection, causes, symptoms

      H. pylori or (Helicobacter pylori) is a common infection caused by bacteria. It mostly affects the digestive tract or stomach. If this infection remains untreated, it may lead to ulcers. It may also cause stomach cancer. According to different researches, H. pylori affected two-thirds of the population of the world. is common. H. pylori enter our body through food, water, or other unhealthy lifestyles, or habits. A person easily protects himself from H.pyroli by drinking clean water and through proper sanitization. In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection.

homeopathic medicines for H.pylori

Symptoms of H.pylori:

      At the start, its symptoms are not very clear, and even people don’t have any dangerous health issues. But when a person suffers from an ulcer because of H.pylori infection. The most common symptom of h.pylori is intense pain and burning sensation in the abdomen. This pain is worse at midnight with an empty stomach and feels relief after eating and drinking something. Some common symptoms of h.pylori are the following:

  • Symptoms of h.pylori with ulcer: Some common symptoms related to h.pylori with ulcer are bloating of the abdomen, burping, and sudden weight loss. Other symptoms may also include vomiting, nausea, and feeling of being hungry.
  • Symptoms with chronic Ulcers: These symptoms may include hard, dark, and bloody stool, intense pain in the stomach, and shortage of breath. Other symptoms may also include a feeling of being tired, fainting, and dizziness. These patients suffer from fellowing of skin and vomiting of blood.
  • Symptoms of h.pylori infection with stomach cancer: This is also a chronic condition or dangerous for life. Its symptoms may include heartburn, bloating, and intense pain in the abdomen. In this, a patient does not feel hungry and experiences sudden weight loss.

Causes of H.pylori:

       The actual cause of H.pylori infection is still unknown. But according to different researches, It is spread from one patient to other people through saliva, touch, vomit, etc. This infection commonly occurs in children. This is also associated with our living style. This is also caused by contaminated water and unhealthy food. Some other common causes of H.pylori infection are the following:

  • Contaminated water and food: H.pylori infection is also caused due to contaminated water and food. People who do have not enough clean water and good food have more chance to get H.pylori infection.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, H.pylori infection spread the most. This is the main cause of spreading H.pylori infection in developing countries.
  • Joint family system: This is also a cause of spreading H.pylori infection. People who interact with an infected person may have a higher chance to get H.pylori infection.

      Best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection

      Homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori are Nux Vomica and Colocynth, Ipecac and Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg and Arsenic Album, Antimonium Crudum, and Natrum Phos. 

Nux Vomica and Colocynth:(Best homeopathic medicines for H.pylori infection)

        Nux Vomica and Colocynth are both highly recommended homeopathic medicines to treat infection of H.pylori. These are used for H.pylori with intense pain in the stomach and other parts of the abdomen. Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic remedies to treat H.pylori with gurgling, gas, and rumbling in the abdomen. This may lead to hard stool that causes pain and a burning sensation while passing. Colocynth is also recommended to treat infection of H.pylori with intense cutting and agonizing, pain in the stomach.

Ipecac and Arsenic Album:

       Ipecac and Arsenic Album are both the best homeopathic remedies to treat infection of H.pylori with frequent vomiting and nausea. Arsenic Album is also used for vomiting that occurs after eating or sometimes just smelling the food. It may contain white glairy mucus, food, and bile. Ipecac is one of the best remedies for intense nausea and vomiting with H.pylori. 

Carbo Veg and Arsenic Album:

     Carbo Veg and Arsenic Album both are the best homeopathic remedies to treat infection of H.pylori with a burning sensation in the abdomen.  Arsenic Album is also helpful for anxiety with the infection of H.pylori. This is also used for vomiting, nausea, and burning sensations in the stomach. Carbo Veg is also used for flatus, belching, and intense stitching pain in the abdominal parts.

Antimonium Crudum and Natrum Phos:

     Antimonium Crudum and Natrum Phos are recommended to treat infection of H.pylori with gurgling in the abdomen and belching. Natrum Phos is used for flatulence, acidity in the stomach, acrid, sour, belching, etc. Antimonium Crudum is helpful for vomiting, dyspepsia, and frequent belching with the taste of food that was eaten.

Iris Versicolor and Phosphorus:

     Iris Versicolor and Phosphorus are recommended to treat infection of H.pylori with gastritis. Phosphorus is recommended to treat H.pylori with gastritis. This is also helpful for the symptoms of intense pain and burning sensation in the stomach, intestines, and throat. Iris is useful when a person may feel a burning sensation in the abdomen. This is also helpful in vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and presence due to H.pylori. 

Lycopodium and China:

       Lycopodium and China both are prescribed to treat infection of H.pylori with a symptom of the bloated abdomen. China is used to treat H.pylori with flatulence, and gas in the abdomen. This condition causes intense pain while sitting and shows relief while walking. Lycopodium is helpful when the person feels bloating in the abdomen after eating, especially in the lower area of the abdomen. This is also useful for eructations, gas, and dyspepsia with H.pylori.

Argentum Nitricum, Graphites, and Kali Bichrome:

        Argentum Nitricum, Graphites, and Kali Bichrome are the best homeopathic medicines to treat infection of H.pylori with peptic ulcers. Kali Bichrome and Graphites both are recommended to treat H.pylori with peptic ulcers. This is also used for gastric problems with burning sensation, nausea, vomiting, and belching. Argentum Nitricum is recommended to treat H.pylori with gastric ulcers. It is also helpful when a patient suffers from intense stitching, pain, and burning sensation in the stomach and other areas of the abdomen. 


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce H.pylori infection. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.



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