A fistula is referred to as an abnormal link between two parts of the body or surfaces. It includes abnormal links between blood vessels, organs, or tracts. These abnormal links are occurred due to surgery, or injury, and sometimes maybe the natural way. The fistula is mostly grown around the anus. Fistula developed in different stages. It is incompletely developed when a pocket is formed with one opening. Then it is converted to a blind fistula that has two sides, one is open and the other is closed. If we did not take proper treatment it may convert into a completely developed fistula that has two openings. And this pocket is filled with pus. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatment for fistula.
Types of fistula:
  Fistula is classified into three types:
- Anal fistula
- Intestine fistula
- Urinary tract fistula
 Anal fistula: Anal fistula is developed around the anus. It is also further classified into three types.
- Anorectal fistula: This is developed between the anal canal and the skin of the anal opening.
- Colovaginal fistula: Fistula formed between vagina and colon.
- Anovaginal or Rectovaginal fistula: This is formed in the area between the rectum and the vagina.
 Intestines fistula: In this type of fistula developed between the intestine parts. It is also known as enteroenteric fistula. It may be formed between the colon and small intestine.
 Urinary tract fistula: Urinary tract fistula can form between the uterus and the urinary bladder. Or maybe in the area between the vagina and urethra.

Causes of fistula:
  The common causes of the fistula are according to its types of the following:
- Causes of anal fistula: The most common cause of Anal fistula growth is after an abscess. When an abscess is not cured properly then it developed pus and fluid and may lead to Anal fistulas. Another common cause of the Anal fistula is inflammation of the digestive system which is known as Crohn’s disease. This is also caused by infection due to HIV, and complications of surgery occur.
- Causes of intestinal fistula: The main causes of intestinal fistula are surgical processes, especially abdominal surgery. Also, many other common causes are an ulcer in the gut, inflammatory bowel diseases(Crohn’s disease), abdominal injuries, diverticulitis(bowel infections), etc.
- Causes of urinary tract fistula: The main causes of urinary tract fistula are urinary tract damage or infection, surgery, radiation treatment, or an injury or accident. It is occurring in the pelvic region, bladder, or vagina. It may be caused due to Inflammatory bowel disease, malignancies in the pelvic region, Crohn’s disease, etc.
symptoms of fistula:
   The symptoms of fistula appear according to the affected part of the body. The common symptom of fistula are the following:
- Anal fistula symptoms: The symptoms include fatigue, redness, and skin irritation around the anus, coughing, painful bowel movement, Growing pains around the anus, rectal bleeding, Fever with chills, etc. These conditions are getting worse while walking and sitting.
- Intestinal fistula symptoms: Its symptoms include diarrhea, urinary tract infections, pain between the anus and genitals, weight loss, fever with chills, abdominal pain, etc.
- Urinary tract fistula symptoms: Its symptoms include frequent urination, passing gas while urinating, and severe pain during and after urination. In this condition, the stool becomes muddy-colored, cloudy, and smelly.
Best homeopathic medicines and treatment for fistula
   Homeopathic medicines and treatment for fistula are the best non-surgical, and natural ways to cure the disease. These treatments cure the disease safely, without any side effects. These natural remedies also manage the symptoms of disease and regulate bowel movements. Some best homeopathic medicine and their properties are the following:
Silicea Terra: (Best homeopathic medicines and treatment for fistula)
   Silicea Terra is a highly recommended medicine especially anal fistula with frequent pus discharges. In some cases, discharge of blood also occurs along with pus. This discharge also results in peri-anal swelling and a putrid smell. This is also helpful in constipation, indurations around the anus, and brownish fluid discharge.
Hepar Sulpher:
   Hepar Sulpher is mostly recommended for especially intestinal fistula. This is used for extreme intestine pain and inflammation around the peri-anal region. This is also indicated when the symptom of throbbing sensation around the anus, becomes sore, hard, and sensitive to touch. These symptoms are also worse in cold and at night. These symptoms may also include fever with chills.
Calcarea Phos:
   Calcarea Phos is recommended for fistula without any symptoms of pain. It includes the discharge of pus and blood from the anal region without pain. Sometimes this discharge causes a burning or warm sensation. Calcarea Phos is also helpful in the abnormal connections between anal fistula and chest problems. This medicine is recommended for a speedy recovery of the anal fistula.
Berberis Vulgaris:
   Berberis Vulgaris is indicating for fistula with shooting and stitching pain around the anul region. This is helpful when a patient feels itching and soreness around the skin of the anus. Its symptoms also become worse at night.
   Causticum is recommended for fistula with pulsating pain in the perineum and around the skin of the anus. It also shows discharges of blood, serum, and pus through the anus. Sometimes in these symptoms hemorrhoids are also caused.
Calcarea Culp:
   Calcarea Sulph is indicated for fistula with yellow and thick discharges. This is mostly recommended for anul fistula. This is helpful for symptoms of frequent pain around the anal region and discharges with blood and purulent smell.
Hydrastis Canadensis:
   Hydrastis Canadensis is highly indicated for fistula with constipation. It helps to regulate bowel movement. It is used when the patient feels severe pain and burning sensation while passing stool that lasts for hours after stool.
Paeonia Officinalis:
   Paeonia Officinalis is indicated for anal fistula with the frequent discharge of fluid. This fluid is causing itching, smell, biting sensation, and pain around the anal region. Paeonia Officinalis is also recommended for piles and anal fissures.
   Myristica Sebifera is indicated for anal fistula. This medicine results as absorbed the pus and curing the anal fistula. It is the best remedy that helps to avoid surgery.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce fistula. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.