Best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles, causes, symptoms

           Natural foldings of skin that appear with the passage of age are knowns as wrinkles. These especially appear according to an expression on the face. This may lead to decreases in the elasticity of the skin. There is a number of anti-aging methods developed according to now a day needs Such as fillers, surgeries, medications, and many other techniques. Because a number of people do not like wrinkles. The best way to get rid of wrinkles is through homeopathic medicine.  In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles.

        Wrinkles also appear due to exposure of skin, especially on the body parts that are more exposed to the sun such as the hands, face, and neck. This is also caused due to genetics, environmental factors, smoking, etc. Wrinkles are common and natural changes in the skin that occurs with the passage of age. When someone becomes older, the skin starts damaging and becomes dry, thin, and less elastic. This damage to the skin is known as creases or wrinkles.

Best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles

Causes of wrinkles:

         Wrinkles may appear in different people according to their skin tones. This is specially related to skin structure as well as functions. According to different researches, people living in Asian and African countries has less chance to get early wrinkles. This is because these people’s skin has compact dermis that is thicker as compared to white people.

  • Age factor: The main cause of wrinkles is getting older. As someone gets older, their skin is naturally damaged, less elastic, and thinner.  Another cause is dryness of the skin due to decreasing the formation of natural oils in the skin. This occurs because the fat in the skin decreases and may result in loose elasticity and lead to wrinkles.
  • Exposure to harmful radiation: Another common cause of wrinkles is exposure to harmful radiation such as Ultraviolet radiation (UV). Uv radiation affects our skin tissues which may lead to a speedy wrinkles process. The tissues that are mostly affected by UV radiation are connective tissues, elastic fibers, collagen, etc. These tissues are supportive of skin flexibility and strength.

Expression of face:

       Some face expressions which frequently used may lead to wrinkles. These expressions may include smiling, and squinting, which are the most common cause of wrinkles and creases. When someone shows any facial expression then facial muscles form a groove in the skin. Because of repeatedly facial expressions with the passage of age flexibility of the skin of the face is decreased.

  • Unhealthy lifestyle: Unhealthy lifestyle may lead to an earlier aging process. Especially consuming too much alcohol, smoking, etc may lead to aging that causes wrinkles. Smoking and alcohol affect collagen in the skin that loses the flexibility of the skin. This is because cigarette nicotine is present that causes hindrance to blood vessels and limits oxygen in the skin. This may result in less nourishing of skin and cause wrinkles.
  • Unhealthy diet: This is also a common cause of the early aging process. Eating food with fewer vitamins may affect our skin. According to research, eating more fruits and vegetables may lead to healthy skin. An unhealthy diet affects our skin badly and may lead to wrinkles and other skin issues.
  • Exposure to free radicals: Unstable oxygen molecules which are present in our environment damage the skin tissues badly. These free radicals even damage the genetic cells. These free radicals activate the metalloproteinases which may lead to damage to the collagen in the skin. This is also the main cause of wrinkles.

Symptoms of wrinkles:

       The main symptoms of wrinkles are creases and lines appearing on the skin. These are formed on any parts of the body but especially experience on the face, eyes, and neck.   These also formed on the abdomen especially in pregnant women after childbirth.

      Wrinkles are also noticed after doing excessive exercise. Most people examine wrinkles with the passage of age. Other symptoms are small grooves noticed on the mouth, eyes, forehead, and neck. These grooves may lead to wrinkles.

            Best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles

        Homeopathic medicines for wrinkles are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Homeopathic remedies for wrinkles are the best solution to give the best results. These are natural and safe.

        Some best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles are Calcarea carb, Abrotanum, Calcarea phos, Aurum Mur, Natrium mur, Lycopodium, and Silicea 6x.

Calcarea carb:(Best homeopathic medicines for wrinkles)

        Calcarea carb is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat wrinkles. This is especially used to treat wrinkles on the abdomen. These wrinkles appear after baby birth. Because of muscles relaxation during and after the birth of children. This condition may lead to skin folding that is become hanging or loose on the abdominal area. This is mostly recommended for those people who start exercising to burn fat. This may also lead to the folding of the skin.

Calcarea phosphorica:

       This is the best homeopathic medicine to treat wrinkles on any part of the body. This person may look withering. This is also helpful for thin, scrawny, and brownish skin. :

Veratrum Album:

        Veratrum Album is mostly prescribed to treat wrinkles due to dehydration. This is also helpful for bluish face, diarrhea, and vomiting. This is also recommended for excessive sweating on the forehead.

Natrium mutriaticum  and Aurum mutriaticum:

        Natrum Mur and Aurum mutriaticum are recommended to treat wrinkles due to the dryness of the skin. This dryness may also lead to itching and formed grooves that further form wrinkles. This is also prescribed for wrinkles on the neck and intense emaciation. Other symptoms of this disease are depression and child emaciation. Aurum mutriaticum is recommended to treat wrinkles on the face. These wrinkles appear due to syphilis.

Lycopodium Clavatum:

       Lycopodium Clavatum is prescribed to treat wrinkles on the forehead. This is because of the frowning of the forehead. These occur in people who are irritable and experience contradictory feelings.


      This is recommended to treat wrinkles, especially on the neck and hands. It is also helpful for emaciation, dirty skin with a greasy and brownish look. This is also used for flabby and dry skin.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce Wrinkles. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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