Best homeopathic medicines for snoring, causes, symptoms

     During sleeping, a noisy voice appears while breathing known as snoring. This is a common situation that occurs in anyone. It mostly affects people with obesity and it worsens with the passage of age. This condition doesn’t very harmful. But if someone has a long-term snorer, it may lead to serious health issues. On the other hand, it is also a painful condition for someone who is your bed partner. If snoring is not treated well it may lead to sleep apnea, heart attack, or sometimes death due to stopping breathing. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines for snoring.

Best homeopathic medicines for snoring

Causes of snoring:

    The main cause of snoring is blockage of air through the nose and mouth. Some other causes that may lead to snoring are the following:

  • Muscles of tongue and throat: Due to some factors muscles of the tongue and throat become weak. These muscles may be relaxed and blocked the airways due to collapsing of the throat and tongue muscles.
  • Nasal airways blockage: Snoring is most common in some patients due to infection and allergies to sinus and nasal passages. It is also due to the cold and rainy season because of nasal airways blockage. Another problem is that is related to nasal airways such as the deviated septum, nasal polyps, etc may lead to snoring.
  • Uvula and long palate: Sometimes a long and soft palate present in the back of the mouth may lead to narrowing of the throat and nose. This may also cause blockage of airways when they vibrate.
  • Alcohol and drugs consumption: Another main cause of snoring is the high consumption of drugs and alcohol. It may lead to relaxing muscles of the throat and cause obstruction of the airways.
  • Sleeping issues: Snoring is also caused due to less sleeping habits and relaxation of the throat. This is also heavy and louder when sleep I wrong position. This condition worsens especially sleeping in the back position. This is because gravity narrows the airways in the throat.
  • Some other causes: Such as obesity and overweight may also lead to snoring. According to research, men are mostly suffering from snoring as compared to women. Another common cause is heredity, snoring or obstructive sleep apnea is run from generation to generation through genetics.

Symptoms of snoring:

     The main symptom related to snoring is a disorder of sleepiness. This is also known as obstructive sleep apnea. This may also cause loud snoring with a shortage or even stopping breathing. This also causes restlessness in sleeping and gasping and choking sounds. This condition occurs frequently. But this is not common in all patients. Some common symptoms are the following:

  • Shortage or stopping of breath while sleeping
  • More sleeping in the daytime
  • Confusion and less concentration
  • Excessive headache and high blood pressure in the morning
  • Uneasy to sleep
  • Pain in the chest at midnight
  • Behavior problems
  • Sore throat in the morning
  • Choking and gasping while sleeping

Best homeopathic medicines for snoring

      Homeopathic medicines for snoring are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Homeopathic remedies for snoring are the best solution to give the best results. These are natural and safe. Some best homeopathic medicines for snoring are Opium, China, Lemna Minor, Nux Vomica, Kali Sulph, Laurocerasus, and Dulcamara.

Opium:(Best homeopathic medicines for snoring)

     Opium is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat snoring in heavy and deep sleep. This is also helpful for rattling and loud snoring. This may lead to high suffocation and a shortage of breath. In this, a patient also feels sudden stopping of breath. This is also helpful to treat snoring with asthma, chest congestion, apoplexy, and puerperal convulsions.


China is mostly prescribed to treat snoring especially in children. During sleep, a child may experience heavy and loud snoring. Another common symptom of this medicine is moaning with snoring. These kids with snoring conditions are sleepy and confused for the whole day. For these, symptoms china is the best remedy.

Lemna Minor:

    Lemna Minor is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat snoring with nasal polyps. This is also helpful when a patient suffers from snoring as well as blockage of the nose due to nasal polyps. Other symptoms of this remedy are loss of smell, postnasal dripping, and swollen nasal turbinates. This is recommended when this condition becomes worse in the rainy season. This is also useful to treat nasal polyps by dissolving them.

Nux Vomica:

       Nux Vomica is mostly recommended to treat snoring with a heavy and loud noise. This may also lead to a shortage of breath.


Sulfur is recommended to treat snoring with sweating and congestion. This is also helpful for sleep apnea and wheezy coughing. In this, a patient may also feel intense suffocation and want to sleep in an open area and air.

Pulsatilla and Arsenicum Album:

      Pulsatilla and Arsenicum Album are both recommended to treat snoring with a shortage of breath. Arsenicum Album is helpful to cure snoring with amelioration. Pulsatilla is also treat snoring after labor pain. It is also helpful in snoring after convulsions.

Kali Sulph and Ammon Carb :

      Kali Sulph is prescribed to treat snoring with frequent discharges of adenoids.  Ammon Carb is recommended to treat snoring with blockage of the nose. This is also useful for frequent sneezing, coryza, and acrid nature fluid discharge from the nose.


      Laurocerasus is recommended to treat snoring with intense suffocation. In these symptoms, a patient may also experience gasping for breath. This is also helpful when a person experiences restlessness and anxiety before sleeping.


      Dulcamara is prescribed to treat snoring with nasal polyps. This is also helpful in blockage of the nose and snoring with an open mouth.

Honey and garlic:

      These two are the best homeopathic remedies that are used to cure snoring. These both are anti-inflammatory and help in clear breathing and lubricate the airways. These are used to treat snoring due to cold weather.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce Snoring. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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