Best homeopathic medicines for panic attack, Symptoms & Causes

        A panic attack is a sudden surge of anxiety that can occur at any time. Panic attacks are characterized by feelings of terror, fear, dread, apprehension, helplessness, irritability, numbness, tingling sensations, chills, sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, trembling, hot flashes, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and/or palpitations. These symptoms may last from several seconds to minutes. A person may also experience a panic attack and may feel like they are going crazy, losing control, or having a heart attack. In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines for panic attacks.

Panic attack

Symptoms of a panic attack:

  • Anxiety: Anxiety can be defined as a feeling of fear that causes physical symptoms like sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and heart palpitations. These feelings are also often accompanied by thoughts about death, dying, or harming oneself. Panic attacks may occur suddenly or gradually over time. They usually last from several minutes to hours but can sometimes go on for days.
  • Agitation: Agitation is characterized by restlessness, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. People who experience agitation might feel restless, have trouble concentrating, and have trouble falling asleep.
  • Sweating: Sweat glands are activated when we experience anxiety. This is also a natural reaction that helps us release excess energy and stress from our bodies. When this happens, your palms may become sweaty, your heart rate increases and your breathing becomes rapid.
  • Nausea: Nausea occurs when the brain senses something wrong with the body. You might feel queasy, have butterflies in your stomach, or even vomit. These symptoms can occur when someone has a panic attack.
  • Shortness of breath: When you’re having a panic attack, you may notice shortness of breath. Your chest may also feel tight like you can’t breathe properly. If you find yourself feeling out of breath, try taking slow deep breaths.

Causes of a panic attack:

        The feelings of a panic attack usually last less than five minutes. Some people also have only one episode; others have repeated episodes over time. Genetics seems to make some people more vulnerable to developing panic attacks.
An estimated 10% of adults experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. Most people who have them do not seek help from a doctor or therapist. People who suffer from panic attacks often avoid places where they might encounter triggers, such as public transportation or crowded places. This avoidance makes it harder for them to cope with daily life.
Brain imaging studies suggest that panic attacks involve changes in the function of several parts of the brain, especially the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and prefrontal cortex. In addition, recent research suggests that the body’s hormones may play a role in triggering panic attacks.

Best homeopathic medicines for panic attacks

  Homeopathic medicines for panic attacks are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can also treat the disease from their roots. Homeopathic remedies for panic attacks are the best solution to give the best results. These are also natural and safe. Therefore, the best practical homeopathy that works on the mental health of its victims is the result of healing as well as improving health.

Aconite and Kali Arsenicosum:

       Aconite helps to treat anxiety and panic attacks. It is effective at reducing symptoms associated with this condition. This herb reduces levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) and epinephrine (an adrenal gland hormone). These two hormones are responsible for many of the physical symptoms that occur during a panic attack. Kali Arsenicum helps to treat anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It can help calm your nerves and relieve stress. It may also help you sleep better at night.

Arsenic Album:

        The arsenic album is a natural remedy that used for centuries to help people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Arsenic album contains many minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the body. These include calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, selenium, iodine, boron, nickel, vanadium, and others.

Lycopodium and Argentum Nitricum:

        Lycopodium is a herb that uses for centuries to help calm anxiety and panic attacks. This herb contains a chemical called berberine, which helps reduce stress and anxiety.

      Argentum nitricum is a mineral supplement that helps to relieve anxiety and panic attacks. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and iodine. These minerals are necessary for the production of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and endorphins. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood regulation, while dopamine is responsible for motivation and pleasure.  They are responsible for pain relief and euphoria.

Gelsemium and Rhus Tox:

        Gelsemium is a herb that helps to treat anxiety and panic attacks. In fact, it was once called “the herb of tranquility”.  Rhus tox is a powerful herb that treats anxiety and panic attacks. It is considered to be one of the best herbs to use if you want to calm your nerves and relax. It contains chemicals that act directly on the brain to reduce anxiety and stress.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce panic attacks. If you are also looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath who can help you find the right treatment. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

What does a panic attack feel like?

      A panic attack is feeling extremely anxious, nervous, and even scared. This can be caused by many different things, but the common factor among them is that they are all considered extreme anxiety attacks. A person who experiences this type of anxiety usually feels like their heart is going to beat out of their chest, they may have trouble breathing, and they might even experience shortness of breath. They will also often feel dizzy, sweaty, and shaky.

What triggers panic attacks?

      Stress can be defined as any event that causes anxiety or fear. These hormones cause us to feel anxious and fearful. This can lead to a panic attack. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or worry about something that may happen. In some cases, people who suffer from anxiety have become accustomed to this feeling and do not realize they are experiencing it. If someone has been anxious for a long time, their brain becomes used to this feeling and it is harder for them to recognize it.
Fear is a negative emotion that makes us want to avoid things that make us afraid. People who are afraid often experience symptoms like sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, and even chest pain.

What is the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack?

       Anxiety attacks are examined by feelings of intense fear that can last from minutes to hours. Panic attacks are accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, numbness, tingling, feeling faint, etc. These symptoms usually occur suddenly and often out of nowhere. They tend to happen at times when people feel stressed or anxious.

Can homeopathy cure panic attacks?

      A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that patients who were treated with homeopathic remedies experienced significant improvement in their anxiety levels.
The study involved over 100 patients between 18-65 years old diagnosed with panic disorder. Half of them received a placebo while the other half received homeopathic treatment. After six months, the researchers found that those who had taken homeopathic treatments showed significantly less anxiety than those who took placebos.

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