Home » Best homeopathic medicines for Nasal polyps, Symptoms, Causes

Best homeopathic medicines for Nasal polyps, Symptoms, Causes


A common disorder of the nasal cavity that is related to non-cancerous growth is known as Nasal polyps. These non-cancerous growth developed in the nasal cavity, sinuses, and around the nose. These are mostly developed from mucous membranes. In this, a patient may suffer from irritation, and swelling of the sinuses and nasal cavity. One thing about Nasal polyps is always developed on both sides. If someone has one side of growth, it may be a cancerous growth. It is not common in children and mostly occurs in their 30s or above. In this blog, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicines for the nasal cavity.

Causes of Nasal polyps:

The actual cause of nasal polyps is still unknown. According to different researches, it is because of inflammation or other infection and allergies to the nasal cavity. This swelling in the nasal passage and sinuses appears due to fluid and mucous membrane lining. Sometimes many other diseases may lead to nasal polyps.

       Researches show that people having nasal polyps suffers from a weak immune system and different chemical response of mucous membranes. These are mostly developed in the sinuses and nasal cavity but are specially formed near the area of the eyes, and cheekbones. Some common causes of nasal polyps are the following:

  • Asthma: This is the most common cause of nasal polyps. A person having asthma has more chance to get nasal polyps. Nasal polyps narrow the nasal passage due to swelling and may lead to a frequent asthma attacks.
  • Infections and allergic reactions: Different types of infection and allergic reactions may also lead to nasal polyps. Especially some fungal allergic sinusitis, which is caused by airborne fungi may also lead to nasal polyps.
  • Age factor: Nasal polyps are also caused due to age factors. It is most common in young people. The risk of nasal polyps increases with the passage of age.
  • Some other causes: Other causes related to nasal polyps are Aspirin sensitivity and deficiency of vitamin D. Sometimes a genetic disorder, Cystic fibrosis, and Churg-Strauss syndrome also cause nasal polyps.

Symptoms of Nasal polyps:

The most common symptoms of nasal polyps are swelling and irritation in the nasal cavity and sinuses. These symptoms can be treated even in 3 or 4 months which is also known as chronic sinusitis. These are small, painless, and soft growth formed in the nasal passage. According to its development, different symptoms may appear. Some common symptoms are the following:

  • Symptoms at earlier growth stages: Nasal polyps are small and soft at the start of development. This does not show any symptoms. Some common symptoms, when it starts growing are runny and stuffy nose, loss of smell, and sometimes taste also. Others symptoms are nasal bleeding, headache, snoring while sleeping, and postnasal drip.
  • Symptoms when nasal polyps are fully grown: The main symptoms that appear when nasal polyps are fully grown are blockage of the sinuses and nasal cavity. This may lead to severe asthma attacks on a frequent basis and infection of the sinus. This also affects the sleeping routine and caused difficulty in sleeping and breathing. These symptoms worsen especially in the evening.

    Best homeopathic medicines for Nasal polyps

Homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps are Teucrium Marum, Sanguinaria Nitricum, Lemna Minor, Kali Bichromicum, Allium Cepa, and Calcarea Carb.

Lemna Minor:(Best homeopathic medicines for Nasal polyps)

Lemna Minor is one of the best homeopathic remedies to treat nasal polyps. This is mostly helpful for blockage of the nose that may lead to loss of smelling sense. In this, a patient may also feel a putrid smell and a yellow-white, thick or mucopurulent discharge in the nose. This medicine is also recommended when this condition is worse in the wet and cold seasons. This is also useful for nasal turbinates swelling.

Teucrium Marum:

Teucrium Marum is also a highly recommended homeopathic remedy to treat nasal polyps. This is also helpful when blockage of the nasal cavity and loss of smell occurs. This is also used when someone examines the crawling sensation in the nose and ozaena.

Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum:

Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum are the best homeopathic medicines to treat nasal polyps on the right side. These are also helpful in burning and watery discharge from the nose. This patient may also feel pressure on the nose, a burning sensation in the nostrils, and sneezing with bloody and yellow mucus. Kali Nitricum is also recommended to treat nasal polyps with sneezing, loss of smell, and nasal obstruction.

Kali Bichromicum:

This is mostly prescribed to treat nasal polyps with the frequent discharge of fluid from the nose. This fluid discharge is lumpy, thick, and maybe ropy in nature. It may be causes pressure on the root of the nose and a burning sensation in discharges. This is also helpful when a patient feels the loss of smell and frequent sneezing and chronic sinusitis.

Allium Cepa:

Allium Cepa is prescribed to treat nasal polyps with frequent sneezing. This is also useful when a patient may feel a burning sensation in the nose with the discharge of watery fluid. This fluid may affect the upper lips because it is acrid in nature. Sometimes it may be causes blockage of the nasal cavity. Due to continuous coryza, a patient may be suffering from headaches.

Calcarea Carb:

Calcarea Carb is mostly recommended to treat nasal polyps on the left side. This is also helpful when a patient suffers from nasal blockage, loss of smell, and sneezing with yellow and bloody mucus. This condition is worse in the morning and nighttime. This is also prescribed for those patients who are sensitive to cold either and easily catch a cold.


Phosphorus is recommended to treat nasal polyps with frequent bleeding. This is also helpful for headaches with nasal polyps and frequent sneezing with the bloody and yellow discharge of fluid. This condition worsens in the morning and a patient may also feels blockage of the nose.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce nasal polyps. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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