A condition that is related to the ending of the menstruation cycle is known as menopause. These are a combination of different issues after the menstruation cycle. This is a natural condition but sometime it may lead to physical and mental issues. This mostly occurs at the age of 40s to 50s and above. This may cause depression, anxiety, sadness, and feeling of hopelessness. biological process. There are several treatments available to treat menopause but homeopathic treatment is the best way to treat it. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines for menopause.
Stages of Menopause:
    Menopause may be happened due to the following stages:
- Perimenopause: This is a condition of early menopause. This may lead to a decrease in the estrogen level in the woman’s ovaries produce less estrogen. Perimenopause may lead to the stopping of egg production in the ovaries.
- Menopause: Menopause is started after perimenopause, especially after a year of perimenopause. This may lead to completely stopped producing eggs in the ovaries and also estrogen hormone.
- Postmenopause: Postmenopause occurs after menopause. This condition mostly occurs after a year of menopause. This may lead to hot flashes and hormonal imbalance. This is happen because of lesser the estrogen level with the passage of age.
Symptoms of Menopause:
   Menopause occurs in all women but in different ways. Sometimes it may occur for a short period or at an early age which may cause a severe reaction. Its common symptoms for a short period of menopause are an unhealthy lifestyle, hysterectomy, or cancer. Some common symptoms of menopause are the following:
- Fluctuation of the periods (sudden menopause or stopping of periods for short period)
- Depression and insomnia
- Lesser the desire for sex drive
- Headaches and anxiety
- Excessive pain in the joints and osteoporosis
- Hair loss and urinary tract infections
Causes of Menopause:
   The main cause of menopause is changes in the reproductive system in women. This condition may lead to stopping the production of eggs in the ovaries. There are several causes of menopause. Some of the common causes of menopause are the following:
- The main cause of natural menopause is the age factor. Women in the age of 40s to 50sor above are experiencing natural menopause. This occurs due to the stopping of egg production in the ovaries.
- Another cause is primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). This occurs due to a certain hormonal imbalance. Some common hormones which are related to causing menopause are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This may especially cause early or premature menopause.
- This may also cause due to any chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment for cancer. This is may also due to any surgery related to ovaries. This especially occurs after the chest cancer therapy which may lead to the stopping of the menstruation cycle.
Best homeopathic medicines for Menopause
    Homeopathic medicines for menopause are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Homeopathic remedies for menopause are the best solution to give the best results. These are natural and safe. Some best homeopathic medicines for menopause are Sepia, Ignatia, Lachesis, Amylenum Nitrosum, Graphites, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Lycopodium, and Calcarea Carb.
   Sepia is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat Menopause with temperament changes. This is helpful when a woman feels irritated and does not spend a good time with her family. These temperature changes also change their mood from a gentle to an irritable lady. This may also feel depression, tiredness, anxiety, and sadness. She wants to put a distance between friends and her physical activities. She also feels heat sensations in different parts of the body that may lead to excessive sweating. This may also lead to intense pain and a burning sensation in the uterus. Other symptoms related to this medicine are back pain and transition in the period of menopause.
   This is helpful to treat depression, sudden mood changes, and anxiety due to menopause. This may also lead to extreme sadness and tiredness. These women want to live alone and make a distance from society. This medicine helps to control changes in mood and treat depression. This may also help to control mental health.
   Lachesis is also a highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat menopause. This is helpful when women become heat sensitive due to menopause. This may lead to severe headaches. These women feel intense suffocation in tight clothes. This is also useful for psychological problems such as depression, tiredness, and anxiety due to menopause. In this, a woman feels mental pressure and doesn’t like anyone’s presence. She doesn’t pay intention to her physical activities.
Amylum Nitrosum:
   Amylosum Nitrosum is prescribed to treat menopause with heat sensitivity. This is also helpful in excessive sweating and severe headache due to menopause. In this, a woman may feel an irregular heartbeat. This is also useful for burning sensations and intense pain in the uterus.
   Graphites are also prescribed to treat menopause with overweight. Other symptoms of this medicine are constipation and being highly sensitive to a cold environment during menopause. These symptoms may also lead to depression, sadness, and hopelessness.
  Pulsatilla is recommended to treat menopause which may lead to depression. In this, women feel mentally sick during menopause. Other symptoms related to this medicine are sudden mood changes and feelings of sadness. This is also helpful in psychological issues and for those women who are emotionally weak.
   Aconite is also prescribed to treat menopause which causes anxiety. In this women may feel physically and mentally weak due to menopause. Other symptoms related to this medicine are depression, restlessness, and sadness. In this women also suffer from excessive thirst in cold weather and heat flashes.
Lycopodium is recommended to treat menopause with gastric problems. This is also helpful to treat menopause which may lead to hair loss. Other symptoms of this medicine are excessive craving and gas in the abdomen.
Calcarea Carb:
   Calcarea Carb is the best homeopathic medicine to treat menopause with Osteoporosis. This condition may lead to back pain and cracking of bones due to decreased calcium levels in the body. This may also lead to the weakness of bones that are easily fractured during menopause. This homeopathic medicine helps to maintain the calcium level in the body.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce menopause. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.