Best Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroidism, causes and symptoms

Hypothyroidism is also known as an underactive thyroid. This is a state in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. This may also affect metabolism and it becomes to slow down. The thyroid gland is a small organ present in the neck. It is a butterfly-shaped organ. The thyroid gland helps to maintain metabolism, digestive system, and bone formation. But due to some conditions, it does not work well and may lead to certain diseases and Hypothyroidism is one of that diseases. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.

Best Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroidism

Causes of Hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism is a common disease in the world. There are a number of causes of hypothyroidism. Some common causes are the following:

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: This is one of the common causes of hypothyroidism. This is an autoimmune state that affects the immune system in the body. Our immune system fight against harmful, viruses, bacteria, and other germs. But sometimes, it does not work well, due to certain factors. This condition is also known as an autoimmune state. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis may lead to inflammation of the thyroid.
  • Immune system: A lot of diseases are caused due to weak immune system. It also helps to protect the thyroid gland against infections. But sometimes, the immune system does not work properly and the thyroid gland becomes damaged. Due to that factor, it does not produce enough thyroxine hormone and may lead to hypothyroidism.
  • Any previous treatment of thyroid: This may also result from any previous treatment such as radioactive iodine therapy of thyroid. These are the complication that occurs with the passage of time.
  • Some medications: Certain medications such as interferons, and lithium are the major causes of hypothyroidism. Amiodarone is also a medicine that is used to cure heartbeat. Interferons are used to cure hepatitis C and cancer.
  • Some other causes: Hypothyroidism is also caused due to less intake of dietary iodine. Iodine play important role in the production of thyroxine hormones. But sometimes it is observed by birth in babies that are also known as congenital hypothyroidism. One other cause is any damage to the pituitary gland. Because the pituitary gland is present in the brain and maintains the function of the thyroid glands.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism symptoms appear slowly, slowly even take months to years. Its symptoms are different in different ages. Sometimes by birth babies has their symptoms and in some cases, it may appear in old age. Hypothyroidism may lead to depression and memory loss in older people. But in children, their growth becomes slower. And teenagers may experience early puberty. There are a number of common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Some common symptoms are the following:

  • Fatigue (feeling tired)
  • Obesity (overweight) or sometimes weight loss
  • Obstinate constipation
  • Muscle weakness or feeling of soreness in the whole body
  • Menstruation cycle issues such as profuse, prolonged, or early periods
  • More sensitive to heat and cold
  • Dryness of skin and hair

      Best Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroidism

Homeopathic medicines for Hypothyroidism are the best natural remedies. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism are Lycopodium Clavatum, Graphites, Nux Vomica, Calcaria Carbonicum, Calcaria Iodum, Sepia Officinalis, Psorinum and Silicea, and Ferrum Mettalicum.

Lycopodium Clavatum:

Lycopodium Clavatum is recommended to treat hypothyroidism with stomach or gastric problems. This is one of the best homeopathic medicine for thyroid issues. This is also helpful for acidity and flatulence in the abdomen. This condition becomes worse in the evening. This patient also becomes irritable, weak, and craves sweets and hot food.


Graphites are prescribed to treat hypothyroidism with obesity. This is also helpful for constipation and hard, scanty stool. This medicine is used when a patient is depressed and feels the fullness of the stomach. In this, a patient suffers from difficulty in taking any decisions.

Nux Vomica:

Nux Vomica is recommended to treat hypothyroidism with obstinate constipation. These patients are extremely sensitive and offended easily. This is also helpful to cure hypothyroidism with the scanty and frequent urge of stool. Other symptoms of these medicines are bloated feeling in the stomach, prolonged menses, chills, etc.

Calcaria Carbonicum:

Calcarea Carbonica is one of the best homeopathic medicine to treat hypothyroidism. This is helpful especially for obesity or overweight due to hypothyroidism. These patients become irritable and sensitive to cold environments. This is also helpful in constipation and hard stools. This is also useful for those women who suffer from menstruation problems due to hypothyroidism. It is also recommended when patients feel sweating on the head and coldness of the feet.

Calcaria Iodum:

Calcaria Iodum is prescribed to treat hypothyroidism with weight loss. This is helpful when a patient feels sudden weight loss even after a good appetite. These are extremely sensitive to heat. This is also useful when a patient suffers from irritability, anxiety, and high palpitations.

Sepia Officinalis:

Sepia Officinalis is prescribed for hypothyroidism in women due to menstruation problems. This is used also when a patient suffers from excessive hair loss, chills, and a yellowish face. This patient becomes heat sensitive. These medicines are helpful to cure hypothyroidism but may lead to menstruation problems such as copious and early periods. This may also cause pain sensation in the pelvic area.

Psorinum and Silicea:

Psorinum and Silicea are recommended to treat hypothyroidism in weather-sensitive patients. Silicea is also helpful for obstinate constipation, obesity, and coldness of the feet. This may lead to chillness and a craving for eggs and hot food.

Ferrum Mettalicum:

Ferrum Mettalicum is prescribed to treat hypothyroidism in women. This is helpful to cure menses problems such as discharge of pale yellow liquid with blood and profuse menstrual flow. This is also used to treat weakness and anemia due to hypothyroidism.


This article looks at homeopathic medicines to treat hypothyroidism. Homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism are used to treat also anxiety, colds, depression, chronic pain, and heart problems. Dr. Qamar Kamal is engaged with homeopathic medicines and got experience with all the diseases and treated them with home medicines with the help of his expertise.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce hypothyridium. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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