Depression is a common disorder of mood worldwide. This is a serious mental disorder that affects the thinking ability of a person. Depression induces negative thoughts in a person. This may cause feelings of sadness, weeping, and loneliness. A person with depression avoids talking and sitting with people and even thoughts about suicide. According to the researchers, around 300 million people in the world are suffering from depression. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for depression.

Causes of depression:
There are several causes of depression. Some of the common causes are the following:
- Genetics: One of the common causes of depression is genetics. This run-in a generation to generation. Some genetic disorders are known as psychiatric disorders that may lead to depression. The study of genetics related to depression is very complicated.
- Gender: Depression is more common in women. A man experiences depression twice less than a woman. But the actual reason for depression is still unknown. Some studies show that it’s because of hormonal changes.
- Age factor: Depression rate is higher in old people. It indicated that with the passage of age people may have a greater risk to experience depression. This is maybe because of living and social factors.
- Certain medication: People using the medicine without any medical prescription have more risk to experience depression. Some people who misuse such medicine as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, etc may cause depression. These drugs are shows a temporary cure but later on, they may lead to some side effects. That’s why homeopathic medicine and treatment for depression is the best choice. One of the common side effects is depression and known clinical depression.Â
- Psychological factors: Some common psychological factors such as personal abuse, sexual harassment, conflicts, and physical torcher may lead to depression. This may be caused due to some life-changing events, such as graduation, marriage, divorce, jobs, loss of a job, etc. People may experience depression due to social pressure, illness, and more thinking. Certain diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure also cause depression.Â
Symptoms of depression:
There are several symptoms of depression. Some of the common symptoms are the following:
- Some common symptoms such as sudden fluctuation in mood, physical inactivity, and loss of appetite. Many peoples may suffer from loss of concentration, difficulty in decision making, and loss of energy. A depressed person even thought about suicide and feels guilty.
- Common symptoms in women: As compared to men, a woman has a greater risk to experience depression. The common symptoms of depression in women are anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and sudden mood changes. This woman also becomes dwelling on negative thoughts. Women may experience premenstrual dysphoric disorder (Depression during the menstruation period) and postpartum depression (due to lack of support).
- Common symptoms in men: Several men experience depression due to anxiety. Other symptoms related to depression in men are excess anger and loneliness. Some other symptoms are overworking, social problems, avoiding family relations, etc.
- Some common symptoms in teenagers: In teenagers, common symptoms are society pressure, and changes in physical appearance. In this, they experience guilty or worthlessness and restlessness.
- Some common symptoms in children: Most children experience depression due to study pressure. Other common symptoms related to depression are clinginess, weeping, or less energy.
Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for depression
   Homeopathic medicines and treatments for depression are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicine for depression are the following:
Ignatia Amara: (Best homeopathic medicine and treatment for depression)
    Ignatia Amara is the most recommended homeopathic medicine to treat depression in advanced form. In this form of depression, a person feels extreme sadness and loneliness. This person avoids talking with other people and feels deep grief. Change in mood with time is also a symptom of the use of Ignatia Amara.
Natrum Mur:
   Natrum Mur is one of the best homeopathic medicine for depression in the chronic stages. This depression mostly occurs due to past tragic memories that may result in weeping and extreme sadness. In this, a person may feel extreme grief and avoid to talking another person. Natrum Mur helps to treat depression and turn life into a normal tract.
Aurum Met:
   Aurum Met is also one of the best homeopathic medicine to treat depression that may lead to thoughts of suicide. This is helpful when a patient feels extreme sadness and hopelessness, especially about their future. In other symptoms of this medicine, a person suffers from a feeling of anger and worthlessness. Aurum Met is work as a light in dark for patients with depression.
Kali Phos:
   Kali Phos is prescribed to treat depression due to weakness. This kind of depression causes extreme sadness, negative thoughts, fatigue, moaning, etc. This may lead to sleeplessness. Kali Phos is especially recommended for the extreme levels of stress that increase mental problems. It also may lead to anxiety, memory loss, and decreased brainpower.
  Sepia is also highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat depression that causes a behavior change. This change in behavior changes the thought of a person about life, family, and friends. They can’t do any work properly and show a lack of interest in daily routine. They feel lonely and want solitude because of extreme sadness. This is especially the best medicine for depression in women while menopause and pregnancy.
  Aconite is the most recommended homeopathic medicine to treat depression and acute anxiety. This is especially prescribed for extreme anxiety and depression. In these symptoms, a patient may suffer from impending doom feelings.
Aurum Metallicum:
  Aurum Metallicum is used to treat depression in advanced form. This may lead to extreme stress and feeling of hopelessness. A patient with this kind of depression thought about suicide.
   Lachesis is recommended to treat depression due to menopause in women. Several women in the world suffer from this kind of depression. This is the best homeopathy medicine for this kind of depression.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce depression. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.