A sciatic nerve, which is present in the gluteal area becomes inflamed and causes intense pain due to pressure or stress. This condition is known as sciatica. This is composed of five nerve roots that’s why it is one of the longest nerves in our body. These nerves are spread in the area of the hips, buttock, legs, knee, foot, and toes. Sciatica especially affects the lower back with intensive pain sensations like pinching and causes irritation. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for sciatica.

Causes of sciatica:
Several causes indicate sciatica. Some of the common risk factors are the following:
Medical conditions:Â
- A pressure-causing herniated disk on the nerves is the risk factor for sciatica. These nerves are present on the spin vertebra. It happens when the disk is slipped to the vertebra and causes pressure on nerves.
- A condition known as spinal stenosis is also a major cause of sciatica. In these canals the spin become,es narrow and shortened and increases pressure on the vertebra. Another cause of sciatica is osteoarthritis. This causes pressure on the lower backbones with the aging of spins. Â
- Some syndromes such as cauda equina syndrome and piriformis syndrome may also cause sciatica. In this piriformis muscles become rigid and cause intense pain in the legs. This syndrome causes inflammation of sciatic nerves. Â
Other conditions:
- Any injury: Any type of spinal injury is the main cause of sciatica. This injury may occur on the backbone or spine due to different trauma or accident.
- Overweight lifting: Our spine with the help of the spinal vertical and muscles play an important role in weight lifting. If you try to carry more weight then back muscles become rigid and cause intense pain sensation.
- Obesity or overweight: Obesity is the mother of all diseases. Being overweight causes pressure on the spinal cord and vertebrae that results in inintensee pain and may lead to sciatica.
- Other causes: Other causes such as poor lifestyle with prolonged sitting, heavy work, no exercise, and long driving may lead to sciatica. Diabetes also play important role in causing sciatica. Smoke and consuming alcohol also damage our nerves.
Symptoms for sciatica:
One of the common Sciatica symptoms is intense pain in the lower backside. This may cause difficulty in walking, sitting, and even resting. There are also several symptoms present that indicate sciatica. Some common symptoms are the following:
- Intense pain and burning sensations: This is a common symptom of sciatica pain. This intense pain may lead to frequent burning sensations. These pain sensations start from the buttock and move towards the legs to knees and toes.
- Insensibility or immobility: Another symptom of sciatica is the feeling of numbness in the legs. This may lead to weakness and tingling of the legs. It mostly affects one leg. Other symptoms are heaviness and stiffness of the lower back and legs.
- Other symptoms: Sometimes these symptoms become worse during bending the spine, sitting, and standing up, and maybe better while walking.
Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for sciatica
Homeopathic medicines and treatments for sciatica pain are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. These medicines are recommended according to the patient’s symptoms. Some best homeopathic medicine for sciatica are the following:
Colocynthis:(Best homeopathic medicines and treatment for sciatica)
Colocynthis is one of the best homeopathic medicine for sciatica on the left-sided leg. In this, a patient feels pain in the left side due to the left sciatic nerve. This intense pain moves from the left hip to the knee and toes. This is also helpful in shock like cramps, and tearing pain.
Gnaphalium Polycephalum:
Gnaphalium polycephalum is prescribed for sciatica with intense pain in the sciatic nerve. This may also cause immobility or numbness. This pain moves towards the feet and toes. This condition is worse during moving and maybe better while sitting.
Magnesia Phosphorica:
Magnesia Phosphorica is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sciatica on the right side. This may cause intense pain like stabbing, shooting, stitching, and tearing. This intensive pain is occurring from the right-sided hip to the knee and toes.
Arnica Montana:
Arnica Montana is also a highly recommended homeopathic medicine for sciatica due to any injury. This may be caused due to an accident or fall. This is causing intense pain and burning sensations in the lower limbs and becomes sensitive to touch.
Cotyledon Umbilicus:
Cotyledon Umbilicus is highly indicated for sciatica with pain in the lower limb. In this condition, the lower limb becomes sensitive to touch and causes intensive pain. This also helps in stinging pain and heavy lower limb.
Bryonia Alba:
 Bryonia Alba is recommended for sciatica with intensive pain while walking. This condition is worse even by the slightest movement. This is helpful for a patient with sciatica to get relief while resting and having a heavy lower limb.
Valeriana Officinalis:
Valeriana Officinalis is prescribed for sciatica with intense pain while standing. This condition may be worse during walking and stretching of the legs. This is also indicated for calf pain. Sometimes this condition becomes better while walking.
Rhus Tox:
Rhus Tox is indicated for sciatica with intensive pain while sitting. This condition is worse during rest or lying down. This may also be caused by burning sensations in the leg. This medicine is also recommended for sciatica pain while lifting.
Hypericum Perforatum and Ruta Graveolens:
Hypericum Perforatum and Ruta Graveolens are recommended for sciatic that cause a burning sensation in the leg. This caused intense pain while walking. These medicines are used to cure the pain, especially when to worse during rest.
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce sciatica. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.