Obesity is a serious medical cause that is associated with different other diseases. It is also called the mother of all diseases. Obesity is termed as an abnormal or excessive amount of fat accumulation in different parts of the body. Obesity is measured by a method called Body mass index (BMI). In this method height, weight, and body size is measured. According to different health researches, Body mass index (BMI) is from 25 to 30 is called obesity. Each year about 5 million people die due to obesity. Malnutrition is also at risk due to obesity. Obesity is one of the main problems in developed countries like America, and Europe as compared to African and Asian countries, but this is now increased in developing countries. In this article, we will discuss the best homeopathic medicine & treatment of obesity.
Causes of obesity:
Several factors can play an important role in gaining weight or obesity. The most common cause of obesity is overeating. When someone eats more and does not do any physical activity they must gain weight. Some major factors are the following:Â
- physical inactivity: Most people get obese when they eat food that contains a large number of calories as compared to their physical inactivity. This is the biggest cause of being overweight.
- Gene history: According to Researchers family history has a significant role in obesity. In a family, genes transfer from one generation to another.Â
- Unhealthy Diets:Â Overeating or an unhealthy diet that contains high fat is one of the main causes of gaining weight. Fats and sugar contain more calories that dramatically increase weight. Other unhealthy diets include red meat, soft drinks, refined grain, etc. Obesity can be controlled by using healthy food such as vegetables, fruits, etc. Sometimes different unhealthy foods such as snacks with high-fat, soft drinks advertisements also insist people risk their health.
Influence of the environment:
- The environment around us also affects our potential to maintain a healthy weight. It’s hard for those people who don’t have gyms, sidewalks, park areas, etc. When we intake more calories, we need more physical activities to maintain weight.
- Â Daily routine: Lack of sleep and physical inactivity in daily routine are causes of risk of obesity. Another strong factor is watching Television that shows advertisements that encourage people to eat unhealthy food.
- Medication and psychological factors: Some hormones like Cushing syndrome, underactive thyroid, and polycystic ovary syndrome cause obesity. Sometimes medicines also cause obesity, such as corticosteroids, seizure medicines, antidepressants, etc. And also psychological factors such as emotions, and stress insist people eat more and make the process of digestion difficult.
- Other diseases: The most common diseases that cause obesity are insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Many other diseases are associated with obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, cancers, etc.
Symptoms of obesity:
The most common symptom of obesity is an increase in weight. Other common symptoms that are noticed in patients are:
- Sleep apnea: It is a serious sleep disorder it causes difficulty in breathing during sleeping.
- Â Pain in the back or joints
- sweating profusely
- Heat sensitivity
- Depression
- dyspnoea ( shortening of breath )
- Swelling of veins in the lower part especially limbs.
- Fatigue
                Best homeopathic medicine & treatment of obesity
Homeopathic medicine and treatment of obesity include natural cures using plants, animals, and minerals to treat different symptoms. Homeopathic medicine does not show any side effects but still, people were afraid of using it. Some best homeopathic medicine for obesity are the following:Â
Calcarea carbonate: (for treatment of slow metabolism)
      Those people who have slow metabolism are recommended to use Calcarea carbonate. This medicine is mostly used to remove excess fat from the abdomen area. Due to slow metabolism patients suffer from constipation. This medicine is also recommended for those patients with obesity who suffer from thyroid problems and pregnancy.
Natrum muriaticum: (for treatment of lower parts fat)
       Natrum muriaticum is recommended for those patients who suffer from fat accumulation in their lower parts like thighs and buttocks. This medicine is used for those patients who feel very hungry or have a craving for salt. This is also used for those patients who have obesity due to depression and heart problems.
Lycopodium: (Best medicine for weight loss)
      Lycopodium is also the best medicine for the overweight. It is also used for fat in the lower parts of the body. But lycopodium shows some side effects such as constipation, flatulence, etc.
Natrum Phosphoricum: (treatment of acidity during obesity)
      Natrum Phosphoricum is recommended for those patients who suffer from acidity. It maintains ph in the body and is used as an antacid.
Phytolacca: (for treatment of hunger stimulation)
Phytolacca is recommended to control hunger, and also help in food digestion. It also helps to balance metabolism.
Fucus Vesiculosus: (for treatment of thyroids hormones)
      Fucus Vesiculosus is used to treat thyroid hormones that cause obesity. This also helps in maintaining hormones and weight loss as well as indigestion.
- graphites, (for treatment of obesity)
- pulsatilla nigrants, (for treatment of over hunger)
- Ignatia, (For treatment of emotional causes)
  Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce obesity. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.