Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for infertility, causes, symptoms

         Infertility is a common woman cause that is related to childbirth. This may cause a hindrance to getting pregnant. This is noticeable when someone tries to get pregnant for more than one year of conceiving or unprotected sex. The main cause of this is uterine fibroids, thyroid disease, and endometriosis. Infertility risk may increase with the passage of age. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for infertility.

homeopathic medicines for infertility

Causes of infertility:

      Some common causes related to men and women are the following:

Causes of infertility due to men:

  • Abnormal production of sperm: This is one of the main causes of infertility in men. Sperm production is abnormal when a person suffers from genetic problems, diseases like diabetes, gonorrhea, HIV, etc.
  • Sperm delivery issues: Some issues related to sperm delivery like premature ejaculation, genetic problems, etc. Certain diseases like cystic fibrosis or any damage to organs.
  • Some environmental causes: Certain environmental factors like radiation or chemicals. High consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking anabolic steroids, and certain medications may lead to infertility. 
  • Some treatments: Certain treatments like cancer treatment with chemotherapy or radiation also affect the production of sperms.

Causes of infertility due to women: 

  • Disorders in Ovulation: This may cause an irregular release of eggs from the ovary. This is because of hormonal imbalances like prolactin, thyroid hormone, and POS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
  • Blockage or damage of the fallopian tube: Inflammation and swelling in the fallopian tube cause infertility. Blockage of the fallopian tube may lead to pelvic disease that causes adhesions, endometriosis, etc.
  • Early menopause: This is also known as primary ovarian insufficiency is also a major cause of infertility. This may lead to the stop of menstruation cycles and the working of ovaries. Other causes of infertility related to fragile X syndrome, Turner syndrome, or any cancer treatment through radiation or chemotherapy.
  • Uterine abnormalities: Some abnormalities related to the uterine like benign tumors, and uterine fibroids are the major causes of infertility. These abnormalities cause damage or blockage of the fallopian which
    causes infertility.

Symptoms of infertility:

      Infertility symptoms are different in both men and women. Some common symptoms related to men and women are the following:

Symptoms of infertility in men:

  • Imbalances of certain hormones: Certain hormones imbalance such as testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone are causes infertility. These hormones help in the production of testes and sperm. 
  • Testicle changes: These are the main symptoms of infertility. The testicle becomes swollen, painful, tight, and firm due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Lack of sexual desire: Another symptom of infertility in men is a lack of sexual desire. Due to hormonal imbalance, a person may suffer from this symptom.
  • Obesity: Overweight or obesity is also a main sign of infertility in men. This may lead to sexual dysfunction and the low quality of sperm.

Symptoms of infertility in women:

  • Irregular mensuration cycle: This is the main sign of infertility in women. A woman suffers from short, scanty, and early periods. Sometimes these are long-lasting and prolonged. This may also lead to PCOS which causes infertility.
  • Hormonal imbalance: This may include suppressed sex drive, skin issues, and obesity due to hormonal imbalance are the signs of infertility. Women also experience excess hair growth on the face or hair thinning.
  • Intense pain during sex: Some women may experience intense pain during sex. It may lead to infertility. This is also because of hormonal imbalance.

Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for infertility

      Homeopathic medicines and treatments for infertility are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicine for infertility are the following:

   Best homeopathic medicines for infertility in women

Natrum Phos and Borax:

      Natrum Phos and Borax are the best recommended homeopathic medicines to treat infertility in women. These are helpful when women suffering from acid discharges in the vagina. These acid discharges kill the sperm which may lead to infertility. Borax is prescribed to treat infertility in women with acrid, irritating, and copious discharges from the vagina.

Sepia and Pulsatilla:

       Sepia and Pulsatilla are highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat infertility in women. These women suffer from short, offensive, and scanty periods. Pulsatilla is also used when having an irregular or delayed menstruation cycle. This is also helpful PCOD in women that may lead to infertility. Sepia is recommended to treat infertility when a woman has suppressed, short and scanty periods and bearing pain in the uterus

Calcarea Carb and Aletris Farinosa:

       Calcarea Carb and Aletris Farinosa are prescribed to treat infertility in women due to prolonged and profuse menstruation cycles. Aletris farinose is used for the copious menstruation cycle. This is also helpful in weakness, anemia, fatigue with infertility. This is the best medicine when women suffer from frequent abortions. Calcarea Carb is recommended to treat long-lasting and early periods.

Agnus Castus:

     Agnus Castus is prescribed to treat infertility in women due to suppressed sexual desire or lack of sex drive. This is helpful when women hated sex and offensive discharge from the vagina occurs. Other symptoms may include pain and bearing sensation while intercourse.

Natrum Carb:

     Natrum Carb is recommended to treat Infertility in women due to sperm non-retention. This is a highly used homeopathic medicine. This is also used to treat irritating discharges from the vagina.

        Best homeopathic medicines for infertility in men

Agnus Castus and Selenium:

      Agnus Castus and Selenium are the best homeopathic medicine to treat infertility in men. This is helpful to treat physical lacking and induced sexual desire. Selenium is the best remedy for infertility due to erectile dysfunction and weak erections. This also helps in mental depression and rapid discharge of semen.


        Conium is prescribed to treat infertility in males due to orchitis. This is helpful to cure enlarged and swollen testicles. 

Sabal Serrulata: 

      Sabal Serrulata is recommended to treat infertility in men. This is helpful when infertility is caused by atrophy or testes wastage. This is also helpful when men suffer from prostatitis.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce infertility. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.



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