Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for fungal infections, causes, symptoms

       Fungal infections are common infections in different parts of the body. Fungi are the major cause of this infection. Fungi are microscopic organisms that are composed of chitin. These are edible such as mushrooms and some are very dangerous for life such as aspergillus. These grow inside the body and multiply in large numbers and cause infection. This infection may be spread from one person to another person or even from animals. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicines and treatments for fungal infections.

homeopathic medicines and treatments for fungal infections

Types of Fungal infection:

Some common fungal infections are the following:

  • Athlete’s foot: This is one of the common fungal infections. It is also known as tinea pedis and is especially an attack on the feet. This is called athletes because it mostly affects the people who are players or athletes. This occurs due to a moist and warm environment due to sports shoes, socks, etc. 
  • Tinea cruris: This is also called jock itch. This infection is caused by certain fungi that live in warm and moist environments on the skin like thighs, buttocks, groin, etc. This is also spread from one to another.
  • Yeast infection: This is associated with candida Albicans and especially occurs in women. In women, candida grows abnormally and caused infection. Hormonal imbalance, unhealthy food consumption, stress, and certain antibiotics, may lead to this infection.
  • Tinea corporis: This is also known as Ringworm. In this infection, fungi live on dead tissues of skin, nails, and hair. These fungi also may lead to an athlete’s foot and jock itch.

Causes of fungal infection:

        There are several different types of fungal infections. These are caused due to different factors. Some common causes of fungal infection are the following:

  • Low immunity level: Weak immune system may lead to different infections and fungal infection is one of them. If a person has good immunity, he or she has fewer chances to get any infection.
  • Obesity or overweight: As we know obesity is the mother of all diseases. Fungi grow in warm and moist people, and a person with obesity has several folding of skin are formed. The fungus can easily grow in these foldings.
  • Sweating: Many people have a problem with excessive sweating. This makes a great environment for the growth of fungus and other bacteria. This is also easily transferred to another person by cloth, towel, or even comb sharing.
  • Other causes: People suffering from diabetes has also more chances to get a fungal infection. It is because due to diabetes glucose level is high which may lead to getting infections. Certain medications such as high intake antibiotics may lead to fungal infection. Our body also produces good bacteria that fight against infections. But due to the high intake of antibodies, these bacteria are also killed and get a high chance of overgrowth of fungus.  

symptoms of fungal infection:

     Different types of fungal infections have different symptoms. Some common symptoms according to its type are the following:

  • Symptoms of an athlete’s foot infection: Its symptoms include blisters on the feet, skin cracking, itching with heat sensation, redness, etc.
  • Symptoms of yeast infection: Its common symptoms are itching with burning sensation, redness, rash, and soreness in the vaginal area. Its symptoms become severe if remain untreated.
  • Symptoms of jock itch: Its common symptom is also itching, redness, and irritation in the groin area. Its symptoms also include cracking of the skin.

Best homeopathic medicines and treatments for fungal infections

       Homeopathic medicines and treatments for fungal infections are the best natural remedy. They are safe to use without any toxic side effects. They can treat the disease from their roots. Some best homeopathic medicine for fungal infections are the following:

Sepia Succus: 

      Sepia Succus is one of the best homeopathic medicine to treat fungal infections such as tinea corporis known as ringworm. This is helpful when ringworm is the isolated spots in a circular shape. This causes intense itching that may lead to a burning sensation. Sepia is especially helpful to treat infection in the spring season.


       Silicea is recommended to treat the fungal infections that may result from the athlete’s foot. Other symptoms of this medicine are skin damage, itching, intense pain, burning sensation, cracked skin of feet, sweating, etc. This is also used for blisters on the feet.


      Tellurium is also a highly recommended homeopathic medicine to treat fungal infections due to ringworm. This is also helpful to treat multiple ringworms on different parts of the body. These ringworm are spread to the whole skin if remains untreated. This may lead to intense itching and burning sensation after scratching.

Antimonium crudum:

      Antimonium Crudum is recommended to treat the fungal infection that is called tinea unguium or nail fungus. This is helpful when nails become yellowish, brittle, and cracked from different points. Some patients feel intense pain in their nails and sometimes nails are broken off.


        Graphites Naturalis is prescribed to treat fungal infections in the groin area. This type of infection is also called jock’s itch or tinea cruris. This is helpful in the redness, rawness, and intense itching in the groin area due to infection. This condition is worse at night. In this, a patient may also feel watery and sticky discharge.

Thuja Occidentalis:

     Thuja Occidentalis is recommended to treat fungal infections caused due to ringworm. These ringworm appear on different parts of the body such as the neck area, mustache, face area, etc. This medicine is used when small pimples appear on the beard and mustache area. This may lead to itching and burning sensations. This condition becomes worse in a cold environment.

Borax, and Mezereum: 

       Borax and Mezereum are both the best homeopathic medicine to treat fungal infections. Mezereum is used for fungal infections that caused ringworm of the skin also known as tinea capitis. This is especially helpful in fungal infections on the scalp that causes skin eruption. Borax is helpful in yeast infections, especially on the face. This infection causes an eruption of the tongue and redness and soreness in the mouth. A patient may feel a bitter taste in the mouth.

Some other common homeopathic medicines for fungal infection are the following:

  • Pulsatilla: This is used to treat fungal infection of vaginal candidiasis.
  • Merc Sol: It is used for fungal infections in babies because of diaper rash.


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce fungal infection. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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