Home » Hemorrhoids (piles): types, causes, symptoms, homeopathic medicine & treatment

Hemorrhoids (piles): types, causes, symptoms, homeopathic medicine & treatment

     Hemorrhoids (piles) are a disease of swollen, inflamed, dilated, veins around the skin or in the anus. This is one of the diseases that occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle. In this state, the veins are swollen and inflamed around the lower rectum or anus. This condition is common in both genders.  This swelling is caused due to pressure on veins due to different factors and veins are tear-out and start bleeding. In this blog, we will discuss homeopathic medicine and treatment for Hemorrhoids (piles).

Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Hemorrhoids (piles)
Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Hemorrhoids (piles)

Types of piles:

There are different types of hemorrhoids or piles. Some major types are the following:

  • Internal piles: In this type, piles are developed inside the rectum. The main symptom of these piles is bleeding and pain during stool.
  • External piles: These piles are developed around the skin of the anus and may be felt outside. The common symptoms of these piles are the swollen area around the anus. 
  • Blind Piles: In this type of pile does not show bleeding. In this case, the patient feels protruding masses during stool.
  • Protruding or prolapsed piles: In this type of hemorrhoid, the skin of the anus becomes pink or red. Common symptoms of these piles are itching, pain, and discharge of mucus.

Causes of Piles:

Hemorrhoids or Piles are formed due to swollen veins because of pressure in the rectum. Some common causes of piles are the following:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle: Unhealthy diet is a common cause of piles. Such as lessor use of fiber-rich diet, use of excessive alcohol, less intake of water, eating spicy and junk food, etc. 
  • Bowel Movements: Sometimes irregular bowel movement due to constipation, diarrhea, difficulty in urination, or strain on the anus and rectum. These are some common causes of piles.
  • Pregnancy: Due to pregnancy, pressure on the abdominal and pelvic area increases. This pressure leads to hemorrhoids. And sometimes after childbirth, pressure is generated on the anus and rectum that also lead to piles.
  • Genetics and Age: In some cases, genetics or heredity and age may also lead to piles. Due to the age factor supporting tissues in the anus and rectum are weakened which may lead to piles.
  • Other causes: Some other causes such as physical inactivity, obesity, diarrhea, etc also developed piles. Another common condition is portal hypertension causes high blood pressure in the area of the portal venous system. Due to this pressure veins became swollen in the rectum and esophagus, that formed piles.

Symptoms of piles:

Some common symptoms of piles are the following:

  • Pain during and after urination: One of the main symptoms of piles is pain feels in venous areas that causes the vein to swell up in inflammatory conditions. This pain occurs due to thrombus formation in the pile’s vein. This pain is worse before, during, and after urination. 
  • Bleeding: There are many small veins present in the rectum and the anus that start bleeding. This bleeding is due to pressure during stool and other abdominal pressure. When stool passed these small veins break down and start bleeding.
  • Anal inflammation:  Due to inflamed piles mucus releases that cause the skin around the anus to burn and itch.  
Symptoms of piles

Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Hemorrhoids (piles)

Homeopathic medicine and treatment are a natural ways to cure piles without any side effects. This is a completely safe way to treat piles without any surgery. Homeopathic medicine treats first the symptoms of piles like chronic acidity, flatuency, etc which helps to cure piles permanently. Homeopathic treatment not only cures the disease. But also helps in stopping future threads of disease or long-term relief. But for the treatment of piles, the most important thing is to change lifestyle. Some common homeopathic medicine and treatment for piles are the following:

Ratanhia Peruviana:( best Homeopathic medicine and treatment for Hemorrhoids (piles) )

     Ratanhia Peruviana is one of the best homeopathic medicine and is used to cure piles. This is recommended when defection in the rectum causes a burning sensation. In this symptom, the patient may feel a sharp splinter of glass in the rectum or stitching pain in the anus.

Aloe Socotrina:

      Aloe Socotrina is used for the treatment of external piles. This is helpful when piles are tender and cause pain in the rectum. that are sore and tender. Aloe Socotrina is also helpful to cure the fistula. 

Hamamelis Virginiana:

    Hamamelis Virginiana is recommended for the treatment of piles, which causes profuse bleeding. This is helpful to treat bleeding that leads to weakness, itching, or soreness at the anus. 

Muriatic Acid:

      Muriatic Acid is recommended for the treatment of piles that cause intense pain and protrude outside the anus. This medicine is helpful when piles are bluish or swollen and even worse during menses in females. 

Collinsonia Canadensis:

This homeopathic medicine is recommended to cure piles that caused constipation. This is also helpful for burning, aching, and constricted sensation in the anus.

Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla Nigricans:

These medicines are recommended for blind piles that caused itching and burning around the anus. In blind piles, the main symptoms that appear are constipation and the passing of scanty stool.

Aesculus Hippocastanum:

Aesculus Hippocastanum is used to cure piles with shooting and sharp pain. This medicine is also recommended for external and bleeding piles.

Kali Carb and Sepia Succus:

Kali Carb and Sepia Succus are recommended for the treatment of piles that develop after childbirth. These piles may be causes constipation, pricking, stitching, and smarting in the anus.

Baryta Carb:

Baryta Carb is used to cure piles that protrude during urination. 

Merc Sol:

Merc Sol is recommended for piles that cause diarrhea.


This medicine is used to cure piles and anal fistula.

Sepia Succus:

This is recommended for piles that developed in females during pregnancy.

Ammonium Carb:

This is used to cure piles that cause difficulty in a female during menses

Lachesis Muta:

This medicine is recommended to cure piles that protrude during a sneeze or cough. 

Lycopodium Clavatum:

This medicine is used to cure piles in case of rectal prolapse.


This is recommended for piles that cause bleeding during stool. 

Nitricum Acidum and Sedum Acre:

This medicine is used to cure piles and anal fissures that cause intense pain during passing stools.

Graphites Naturalis:

This is recommended to cure piles that pain during sitting. 


    Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be a great way to reduce piles. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, homeopathy may be the right choice for you. Dr. Qammar Kammal is a qualified homeopath and can help you find the right treatment for you. Follow Dr. Qammar Kammal on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on homeopathic treatment.

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